wow…can’t believe someone is trying to punt Sid’s system…why the negative review tho on peace army if you think it is viable? I too did this way back in aug 2007, this was my entry into foxex too, I demo-ed for 10months, feeling worse about myself as each month progressed, as I couldn’t get the discipline thing right, I could not get my head around how you were meant to get out at max -3, when often at early am, spread is 2.4 on oanda…Sid’s response was always ‘when in doubt get out’ but the mo it didn’t go positive you were in doubt, and a monentary blinks hesitation in closing warranted -5, 6, 7…so did they wait to get back out at -1,2,3? As often the market gives that opportunity…no -one would ever say, you just got a clap for being out with the requisite standard loss, didn’t matter that I’d been -10-15 to get out at that, so that is where the shortcomings in this strategy occur, you can enter and price stalls, bobs, around -3 -5 -7 and turns out to be a great trade, over -10 and that’s it weeks of work gone, so its a delicate balance.
whereas gains, a zero is counted as positive trade, so it does not stack risk/reward as their disaster stop is -20, and MM utilized on that basis…and you are looking for + anything over 0. (I note you’ve added euro/£, is because of volatility in this since 2007-8? Was one of my gripes after doing the demo for eons, perhaps if I’d known about )
In uncorrelated markets you just didn’t trade, which was frustrating too. it’s basically a momentum strategy, and there is momentum at that time in the morning, however leaping aboard a move halfway thro the momentum is quite a tricky balancing act, considering the average move stalls circa 10 pips (would be +7 after spread) if you get in early on the momentum…great, wait to long and…
I’d have loved to make it work, because those that did, were hugely successful, for max hour and half work a day… no set up, no trade, and I have to say in their defence they really tried with me…no matter what else you try, the’ in doubt 'creeps in when in negative trade no matter what other strategy you are trying.
Discipline, sid taught that, and discipline is the core of any trading strategy.
the beauty of his was the time span…an hour and a half, no trend/C/t, MA’s…albiet unclear on entry and exit…
Hope this helps