The Excel Sheet illusion

People are following him that happens once every quarter. We always get a guru who comes in and the community jumps on aboard. As I said, he said he will do…many have claimed but failed. So lets see what he has for us. We can only judge the transparency when he starts.

Could be worse! Could be negative :slight_smile:
Perhaps it is time to optimise your system.

Want to run it till the year ends. The fact that the account is not blown is the highest take away. Want to give it a few months more and then evaluate.

We mustn’t forget that at the end of the day, a 40% return p.a. on $1 billion ain’t bad. So perhaps the premise should be: If you are rich enough to have a massive account, then you will make money from Forex. If you are looking to get rich from Forex starting with a small account, then prepare yourself for a LOOOOOOOOOOONG trip :wink:

not really, zulutrade it is pretty cool…and I’ve managed to draw lots of good returns. you can check out there are many threads we have here discussing its service.

Can you provide us with some stats?

sure check out my results dating for the past month

I´m a newbie on FX like many others but here is my 20 cents…
YES, we can learn technical analysis in 7 weeks…I learn it with less time…how???
I stumble with ICT’s thread on the last vids that he was making before Christmas vids…
All the information was there and I studied hard, hours after hours…and dont even sleep the first days!!!
I devoured all the information at once and my brain seems like was about to explode…after that I reboot my brain two times…What I mean is that I closed my work station for some period of time!
After that many nuggets come out…
So as a newbie I want my goals to be low as possible and realistic in a way that slowly I let my profits run with very low risk…
When i achieve consistency on trading results for about a year I´ll raise my goals a bit!
My weekly goals are 1% and 4% monthly this don’t mean that I´ll trade every day or every week!
Seems very low but at the end of the year it’s 40% 50% return…
If i can push my self to be between 10% and 20% monthly would be very nice…
But this kind of return needs a strong Mind set that only can be built with time…many chart hours and live trading money!
I´m expecting this first 2/3 years to be a learning curve so I will lose money…and after I achieve consistency, I’m still gonna lose money…
So prepare your self for losing strikes it’s part of the business.

PS. Sorry my english :smiley:

There s a huge difference between Pip Gain and Return on amount invested… And there s always the issue of negative pips left open.

As you can see, plenty pip gain but negative return on invested capital.

hey, the stats you posted are not from Zulutrade, where did you get them from?

I was just making a point, that pip gain is not the same as return on invested capital. its from my account myfxbook stats

apparently you have no idea on how zulutrade works.
should I not had invested capital, i was not going to be able to support the open positions that i am following, not even the numbers of open trades of the number of followers.
Because we were talking on traders profitability, so was I following the discussion and I posted in pips gained. Should you wish i can post and in euro gained. suppose is the same thing :wink:

it will be welcome

THere you go, hope you are satisfied now…
btw, kindly note this is cummulative graph of my daily profit generated for that spesific time period :53::53:

And would you be kind enough to post the drawdown stats as well? :slight_smile:

Lmao… there s a drawdown part?

not every trade is profitable, but this is already calculated in the cummulative daily profit graph that I posted.
should I had more negative trades closed than the posstive ones, the graph would be hanging in the minus section of the Y axis and be [B]red[/B]

The problem with the graph is that it just shows how much money you have made. What we are calling for is how much return you have made on capital minus all outstanding trades. I know people who had 200% return on capital but had one trade that was in minus 100 pips until they got margin called and the 200% meant nothing. Thats why we ask for a verified transparent source.

All results are final, as I said. outstanding trades = open positions do not last more than a day/two because zulutrade has a protective rule against signal providers doing that so it is totally not of a point to be discussed at least in the context of a follower on zulutrade (I am not doing manual trading). anyhow you are kindda getting bit tiring with your pickiness and this is my last post on the subject…you talking about transparency and you usuing stats of myfxbook??! seriously? they made even loosers winners, i have double checked it - and seriously 've seen enoungh discrepancies (b/n my MT4 trading and their representations of % roi; same stands for the zulu-traders).

Thank you for your input.