The finest in trend trading

Well, first thing is how could I get that indicator on my MT4 platform? I guess ill reread it to try to figure out exactly how. Another thing is do you take EVERY trade when the blue line crosses the 0 level?

The way MMACD is calculated is explained in post #294, so it should be pretty easy for someone to write an indicator for MT4. As I use GFT I’ll just wait for tymen to post his version.

I just thought about it and I think you simply put a MACD indicator on your mt4 chart. Hide the actual MACD and set the MA to the average of the GMMA.

You are welcome, Tymen. Thought I could pitch in. I am trying to learn this. Could you please post current charts and describe what we should be doing or looking for? If not in this thread, maybe start another that contains active or live trades. Also, would you answer the TOUGH QUESTIONS?

This would have been a nice short today, right?

Is this a long in the making?

As Tymen mentioned earlier I think we should keep the trade questions to a minimum for now. There is much Tymen says needs to be released still so questions about whether a trade is good or not, or whether one should be taken should be held till the end of the teaching.

Personally I like the method Tymen has chosen, things are paced out well enough for others and I to digest and understand each fundamental section. Afterall, there still is thinking involved and without properly understanding a system completely, how can one use it to it’s full potential? In that regard I patiently await more Tymen. Thank you for all the work you’re putting in.

Correct - it will be!! :slight_smile: :wink:

I am sure they are in the background watching. :slight_smile:

the GMMA reveals much more about the character of the trend than just 2 moving averages.
The MMACD is the average of the 2 sets as you mention…

sum of longs = long average.
sum of shorts = short average.

These are now put in MACD form to create the MMACD.
More about this is to come - see the new posts.

As [B]kockneerebel[/B] has said, the GMMA computer program for MT4 has been posted by [B]Baby Pipper[/B], but I have [U]not yet released[/U] the computer program for the MMACD.

Another thing is do you take EVERY trade when the blue line crosses the 0 level?

This question will be clearly answered in the following posts.

Lucky you!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

[B]A little over-enthusiastic here!![/B] :smiley: :smiley:

The method must be fully explained and outlined first before we consider any trades.

Also, would you answer the TOUGH QUESTIONS?


Which ones are they? :confused:

This would have been a nice short today, right?


From an entry at the crossover - definitely!!

and from the retrace point - yes also.

But watch where you exit!! :smiley:

It could well be.
But we would not enter until we have confirmation from the blue MMACD line crossing the zero line in [U]upwards [/U]fashion.
We would then enter [B]long [/B]at the next available [B]close[/B].

[B]From what I have seen and read of your posts, soul786, you appear to be the one who understands all this material best of all.[/B] :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Just a little break for now - it is extremely hot here, best I wait till the evening.
Tommorow is forcast for 42 C (108 F) and the next day at 40 C (104 F). :eek: :eek: :eek:

Being old, I find this weather exhausting and may take a break from posting tomorrow. :o

Wanna split the difference?

It’s 0 C here, or 32 F.

All I can think of is a sunny warm beach:p

hi tymen,
have you had posted any threads previously??

Hi Renla

Tymens previous is " the joy of candlestick trading "

Hi kockneerebel,
do you have the pdf file of that thread?

Hi just search for the thread and the pdf is on it