The finest in trend trading

Very good post [B]o990l6mh [/B].

It’s always good to hear about someone else journey for success. Important lessons are learnt this way!

Thanks o990I6mh for sharing yr story, I have done my mistake by thrusting this EA marketers, quite a lot of learning money for more or less nothing. Then I found Tymen and had this feeling that I at last found some one who realy want to share and teach in a good way. Im most greatful of all I have learned by reading all thread and coments, for sure I also read all I can find about forex trading but with new eyes. Im demo trading and found out that 4h and above is my area. But I have a long way to go before I start with real money.
But for sure knowledge it’s not havey to carry. And Tymen and the rest of you have give me a lot of it. Thanks to all.

Hope you can survive my bad spelling.:o:D

Great post o990l6mh. I’m sure it will be helpful to many here. I’ve tried to demonstrate methods that work well on longer timeframes in live trading exercises using shorter timeframes. The reason is I wanted to show something in a few hours that would take days or weeks to demonstrate on the proper longer time frames, and I was depending on the fractal nature of the markets timeframes to demonstrate the point in a scaled down fashion on a shorter time frame. Unfortunately, the markets are not completely fractal in that small random spikes and moves around 1 X ATR to 2 X ATR occur more randomly on lower timeframes.

These small unpredictable moves that are often caused by minor news events and large trades being executed, sometimes very ham-handedly, greatly increase the randomness of shorter timeframes as compared to longer timeframes. It seems that moves of 15 to 30 pips on the short timeframes that wouldn’t even matter on longer timeframes, combined with the higher transaction cost of the faster trades, inevitably overcome even the best laid plans and make trading the shorter timeframes more like gambling than investing.

So in the end, even using the shorter timeframes to test, practice or demonstrate a method designed for longer timeframes is misleading. This trading stuff can be really hard, and tying to demonstrate a longer TF concept real time on shorter timeframes is nearly impossible. Since it takes months to years of trading to generate significant long TF trading results, it’s only through others experience like yours that most new traders will migrate their trading to longer TF’s without wasting precious capital and lifespan trying to out-scalp the scalpers on the shorter time frames.

Thanks for sharing your experience. It is truly appreciated and I’m sure a wake-up call to many :slight_smile:

Tymen and all of the wonderful contributors to this forum,
Thank you for all the discourse and contributions. I am truly a “nub” and have read the thread two times to ensure that I understood the concepts and the lingo. Initially I was using a demo FXCM (MT4) but have now switched to a GFT (Dealbook 360) demo account. I have a thousand questions but I am sure most have been answered in some fashion or form (so I will go though the thread a 3rd time). The one question I will ask concerns Dealbook. I was able to upload all the indicators that Tymen so graciously provided into Chart Studio, but the A¬_ Bollinger opens underneath the A_MMACD in a separate window instead of being over the price action. Please advise.

Many thanks to Tymen, Hordane and the folks around in making such an impressive material.

I do have a problem opening up the attached CBL manual. It has an error msg from my adobe reader that says the file could be damaged and coule not be reparied. Anybody has this issue?

Check to be sure your version of Adobe Reader is the latest version. All the manuals, including this updated omnibus, can be found at our community site under Essential Downloads.

Oh yes! Since my humor is dry as the Outback sands, I’m tuned in to any form of jest. I do hope you are getting good rest and enjoying your short break. When will you be moving again?

Hi Hordane, however I download your pdf I always get …do not recognise file type, maybe corrupt… I am on a mac, but mac can open pdf’s… have you got any ideas? how did you make the pdf? in what program?

Hi all!

The indicators for Tymen’s long and short trailing stops are now complete.

I’ve been a little stumped for time, so it took a while to complete!

If anyone finds anything wrong with the indicators, please let me know!

Happy trading. (2.32 KB)

Is this the very new one he’s been talking about that greatly improves on the PSAR?

Yep, that’s the beast.

[B]Thanks IronHeart![/B]

I’ll be updating the EAs to include your indicators :slight_smile:

Hi nupip,

When you go to load the indicator there is a check box which says something like open as new subchart, un check that box.

Thanks for your response. I’m on the latest Adobe 9.3.3, and its giving error that the file is damaged and could not be repaired.

I did try to download from our community site before, but the rapidshare host is giving the "Error
You have reached the download limit for free-users. Would you like more?"
I don’t have a premium account though. :frowning:

Are you, by any chance, using Google Chrome?

Does it to me all the time with all sorts of PDFs.

Try downloading it with another browser if this is the case.

I have changed the link on the Essential Downloads to a spot on my server. I never have problems downloading from Rapidshare but enough other people do to make it worth hosting it ourselves.

Bollinger Band DNA - FOREX Trading using the Tymen Bollinger Band Strategy

Please let me introduce myself by way of a minor suggestion. Please also understand I am a sp-noob (still pink I am so new…) so cannot say anything about trading, but man-o-man, have I learned a lot! I can say the statement above is ambiguous: “Since we are now not using the NO TRADE AREAS, we can safely go back to the original (and the best).” Could be interpreted as “NO TRADE AREAS are no longer needed”. I strongly suspect everyone here knows this means "Since we now have defined NO TRADE AREAS, we can safely go back to the original (and the best). But what of future generations?

I found this thread only three days ago (when I found BP) and have just passed page 300, hope to get current in a couple more. Then the rest of BabyPips! I am completely enthralled and getting a lot of OT (recently retired (unexpectedly…)).

To make it short I second the accolades from and to all the participants herein. What a team!

Please be gentle, I be just a baby…
NeedyPips (John)

My first post on BP! :slight_smile:

I am new to forex but in no way a stranger to the concept of investing and as 1 wise old man once taught me that with shares or equities “it is not about timing, it is about time”.

This may not be strictly true with forex but the concept of having patience and conviction about your trade, entering the market and staying in the market even if temporary corrections happen is the same for forex.

The higher (4H +) timeframes clearly have better signals and are more in tune with the longer term trends. I certainly feel more confident trading with the higher timeframes as they are more reliable.

I guess you could liken it to looking at a colony of working ants under a magnifying glass where you get a massive amount of activity happening all in one area but its not until you scan out or take away the magnifying glass that you realise which direction the ants are travelling.

Good luck everyone.



USD/CAD 1 hour TF:

i entered a bb walk, the signal candle went through the outer BB, the next candle went through and touched the BB 1.5 dev, outer BB’s were still expanding and mid BB was pointing down (this was a short trade)… stop loss was set at 20 pips (my demo account is a bit restrictive as to where you can set your SL) as soon as i entered the trade reversed on me (as we always said it would when entering into a BB walk)… this has happened on both attempts at this type of trade… question is: now the trade has reversed on me and the opposite BB is no longer expanding, do i get out now, or go with the stoploss rules set out ??? :confused::confused::confused:

Without a chart it is hard to comment, but it sounds like you entered at the end of the walk where price starts to depart from the BB.