The finest in trend trading

This may be a dumb question and I’m certain you’re not headed this way, but why not trade the reverse of the signals? Then you would be +1131

It would take some nerve though


Once you start hitting more trending areas you will then lose on the big trends you were originally supposed to take :p. though it would be cool to trade the opposite signal and I have thought about that as well lol.

This problem that in some period you loss(consolidation) and other you take profit(strong trend) come in every forex strategy :slight_smile: so Im very curious about tymen method for it…

Good evening, I’m new to this thread. I’m at GMT +1 and more French-eating frog legs and Raleur …:mad:
Seriously, I just spent 2 days, has read this thread and I am impressed by the quality of teaching “our” Professor Tymen 1. MR Bravo for your dedication and your ability to maintain suspense and interest of participants to this thread.:slight_smile:
I am only a beginner in the forex, not in search of the Grail, but looking for information I can build me my own methot.
I love to read different opinions and sometimes divergent opinions when they are constructive.:rolleyes:
From that day I will try with my limited means to participate, and a little push in the right direction …
English is not my mother tongue, I ask everyone to forgive this shortcoming.:o
More seriously, I will confirm that the use of TF greatest limit noise and allows for clearer signals.
I trade on TF 1 hour and 4 hours.
Regarding the above points out the trade I thought that we reserve tymen1 a surprise …

Clever lateral thinking, [B]Talon D, (Hon FX Member).[/B] !! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

But you would suffer shocking drawdowns in the middle!! :stuck_out_tongue:

It would take some nerve though

I think that would be about right - nerves of steel. :eek:

[B]Thank you for participating on a regular basis in this thread!![/B]

Welcome to the forum and welcome especially to this thread [B]didilut[/B]. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I hope you can learn something from us here and develop into a fine trader!!

I trade on TF 1 hour and 4 hours.

Very wise move indeed for a new trader!! :slight_smile: :wink:

You are starting off on the right foot!!

We have some distance to go yet, [B]cubanpip2010[/B].

Everything will fall into place as we go along!! :slight_smile:

Not using this method, I trust!! :eek: :stuck_out_tongue:

I realized that zero level
MMACD corresponds to the resistance or support level of the price. Am I right?


That is incorrect!!

The zero level of MMACD is where the long averages and the short averages cross or touch.
That is, at that point they have the same value.

I am going to start with the other 2 steps first!!

[B]The reason being, they are easier to implement.[/B] :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

[B][U]The 1st step[/U][/B]

We do not stay in a trade when the red GMMA averages are clustered and remain so.
The price action here is very fickle and could easily go against you.
The [U]best move[/U] at this point is to [U]get out of the trade [/U]at the best possible price.

[B][U]The 2nd step[/U][/B]

[B]We now revise the MMACD.[/B]

We note that the short averages are the total of 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15 divided by 6 (there are 6 averages).

This give us (3 + 5 + 8 + 10 + 12 + 15)/6 = 53/6 = [B]8.83333[/B]

This is a rather slow number, that is slow responding - a bit like comparing a simple moving average with an exponential moving average.

…or like comparing an exponential moving average with a weighted moving average - the weighted is much faster responding.

We also have the long averages as the total of (30 + 35 + 40 + 45 + 50 + 60)/6 = 260/6 = [B]43.33333[/B]

Now the MMACD is really a just a MACD with [B]short = 8.83333 [/B]and [U]long 43.3333[/U]

These are pretty useless numbers really.
[B]We can do better!![/B] :stuck_out_tongue:

For a faster responding MMACD (and, therefore, earlier entry with less pip loss), we choose [B]short average = 3[/B].
Why not 2, this is even faster? :confused:

The number 2 is simply too fast (yes its a bad pun), and gives undesirable [B]whipsaws.[/B]

[B][U]EXERCISE[/U][/B] (for newbies)

What is a whipsaw?

[B]The number 3 gives us what appears to be a happy balance between a fast responding indicator without delivering a heap of whipsaws.[/B]

We are also going to change the number for the [B]long averages = 43.3333[/B]

This is a useless number with no meaning.

We choose instead the number 50, which is based on the Year of Jubilee in the Bible (Leviticus 25:11)
This makes a lot more sense since we are dealing with a number that has significance. :slight_smile:

Note that the short averages can be 3 to 5 and still be satisfactory.
The long averages can be 50 to 55 and still be satisfactory. (Leon Wilson uses 55).

[B][U]In summary [/U][/B]

[B]Short average = 3
Long average = 50[/B]

This means a new computer program with the ability to put these new values in.

[B]You can use your MACD that is already in your charting program but I recommend the program in the next post - because it will include the signal lines later on. [/B] :slight_smile:

what if red MAs of 1H timeframe are clustered but red MAs of 8H chart are spaced. in such composition i do doubt to enter. would you explain how to enter in such case?

Here is the new MMACD computer program. :slight_smile:

Delete the old one and put this new one in. :slight_smile:
(or use your MACD in your charting program for now).

[B]Here is how to load the program in GFT…[/B]

Open a [B]new file[/B] in My Documents - call it “Dealbook” or similar if you like. (You should already have this file now)

Open the [B]Chart Studio [/B]program and click file/new

[B]copy/paste[/B] the following…

indicator A_MMACDnew ;
input p1 = 3, p2 = 50 ;
draw zeroline(“zeroline”, solid_line, dark_magenta,2),
mmacd(“MMACD”, solid_line, blue,2);

vars shortav(series), longav(series);

zeroline := makeseries (front(close), back(close), 0);
shortav := ema(close, p1);
longav := ema(close, p2);

mmacd := ((shortav-longav)/longav)*100;

Click [B]Build/instal [/B]module.

Type “A_Direction” into the file entry box.

Click [B]save[/B]. (program installed successfully appears below).

[B]Translaters into MT4 wanted. [/B]

[B]To delete old program in GFT…[/B]

Delete the MMACD indicator in the My Documents file you called “Dealbook” or similar.
When you close the Dealbook program and re-open it, the old MMACD will be gone.

You trade according to the chart that you are working with. :slight_smile:

I promise you that even though it looks complex just now, things will get easier as we go along. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

[B]Now load the following program…[/B]

indicator AA_BOLLINGER ;
draw upper(“Upper BB”, solid_line, magenta,2),
lower(“Lower BB”, solid_line, magenta,2),
mid(“mid”, solid_line, magenta,2);
vars tmp(series);

mid := sma(close, 20);
tmp := 2 * stddev(close, 20);
upper := mid + tmp;
lower := mid - tmp;

The difference between this and the standard Bollinger is that I have put AA in front of the indicator name so that the Bollinger comes first up in you list just like the A_ Direction (GMMA) and the A_MMACDnew.

Further, it is colour co-ordinated.

We need to be able to put these indicators [U]on and off the chart quickly [/U]without having to scroll thro a whole long list of indicators to find what we are looking for.

tymen, I did. it looks good :slight_smile:
we dont need A_Direction indicator anymore!?


We do…to see those times when the red long averages are clustered and we should get out of our trade before something dreadful happens. :slight_smile:

But other than that we can have it off our charts but keep it in our indicator tool box. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

[B]Remember this chart? [/B] >>>

The trade here resulted in a [U]loss of 22 pips[/U] (-22 pips).