The finest in trend trading

That’s so funny, when I got notice of this reply I was already scouring the web for a copy. You know me too well! :smiley:

I’ll let you know if I do find something. :cool:

thanks ahead Merchantprince!

what about drawing TP lines on daily chart?? :rolleyes:

It sure is good to see you back Tymen, like a few others here, your absence meant learning the ultimate candlestick trading method inside out!

You will not find one.

It is a late print and translated from French.

Didilut would love it!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Here is the book (copied on my scanner) >>>

I can confirm no digital copies exit; it appears none were ever made, as the original printing was 1993. And the book itself even at the lowest discounts goes for over $60, no matter where you try and look for it. Oh well, time to start saving…

No worries, [B]IronHeart[/B]!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I will be here for a few days yet.
My moving will take place in earnest at the begin of May.
Then you will not see me for a while.

Learning the candlestick method eh!!
Well it will help increase your knowledge about price action and BB, that’s for sure!! :slight_smile:

hi IronHeart :slight_smile:
Its nice to see you too

In addition to the ultimate candlestick trading method I like to learn from
I dont know how long do you trade, that web site may be too simple for you

Hi RenaLa, for some reason I can’t open your link.

Can you tell me how I can get to it from the homepage?

I’ve been trading for around 1 year now, but never hurts to re-learn important things!

I have the latest version which is shown in the scan in my above post.
This version is a better quality translation from the French and is a 2001 edition.
I paid something over AUD $150 for the book (cannot remember exactly) but I know it is very expensive.

But I still recommend it!! :stuck_out_tongue:

hmm … :rolleyes:

sounds like the book is rare

I never visited homepage, I have the link in my favorities menu
let me see
try this tab dailyfx for beginners, also I just saw the video course under the tab

ok here we go> dailyfx for beginners-> learn_forex

IronHeart, I wanted to ask you how I can set an alarm to the first free touch of BB candle? can you help me with this please ?

[B]OK, it is very late here.[/B]

I have prepared a series of charts showing our next sequence in where we are going.
If there are no interuptions I will do my best to post a whole lot of stuff to inspire you tomorrow!!

Be prepared for some real surprises!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

See you tomorrow tymen, I know it will be fantastic lesson! :slight_smile:

Why am I not surprised? :smiley:

Looking forward to the new stuff.

I know MT4 can do this with some code - I’ll look into it and post it when I have a solution.

RenaLa, if your broker features the Trading Station II platform, there was an email sent out earlier today informing that users of TS II (with Marketscope) can expect an update this Sunday that will add the functionality you describe.

Along with several other new features, they are adding:

[B]Customised Alerts from the Signals Menu[/B]: Now you can set the Trading Station to alert you when important technical indicators meet your custom conditions. For example, if a Bollinger Band is touched, or there is a MACD crossover, your Trading Station will alert you via a sound or pop-up box message.

Well that’s pretty sweet!

Doing this on MT4, especially with the Bands.mq4 code seems to be quite difficult, i’ll see what I can do anyway.

Im looking forward to the next lesson (>°_°)>

Nice to have you back Tymen.