The forex platform

Can I download the forex platform on my phone (blackberry 9800)? How can I trade with my phone? And how do I open a demo and live account?

Depends on your broker to be honest.

There’s a lot of brokers out there that do have an app for iPhone and also Android devices - not too sure on Blackberry though.

Try this: InstaForex MT4 Trader for BlackBerry - BlackBerry World
Should work|

I also have blacberry phone and use Hotforex blackberry app for it. Simple, fast and quite comfortable.

Check your broker, but in all honesty I think you have no business trading right now with questions like this. You should spend a lot more time learning the basics which you apparently lack entirely. Do as you wish, but having no knowledge and starting to trade is in most cases a recipe for disaster.

I’d say phone can be handy, I use them to open or close trades maybe check some ongoing trade, but charting is done on my PC, trading platforms are offered for all smart phones, mostly i guess, BB iphon android its there.

Why don’t you try an Android or iOS, i think it’s more popular than BB and almost broker support them.

Since you are not sure where you want to start,this looks to me like you don’t know much about the forex trading. May be you should go through some educational process first and then start thinking about trading, especially from your phone.

yes you can almost every broker provides trading platforms for mobile phones. you just have to go to the site and download it