The Forex Portfolio - How to Gain Consistent Profits by Staying in the Market 24/7

Now we are talking! :smiley:
Knowing more in details standard deviation and correlation among pairs we could build a optimal risky portfolio, where securities are represented by the 28 traded pairs. In this way, we could form an efficient CAL and optimize capital allocation of the 28 pairs. What I mean with this is that, instead of investing E/28 in each pair, you could optimize the investment by dividing equity in a more efficient way.

ie. giving more % to pairs with correlation closer to 0, avoid to trade pairs with correlation close to 1, and using pairs with correlation close to -1 to hedge particular risky positions.

Itā€™s just an idea, that needs a waaaay more formal analysis than this, and indeed we need the data to work on!

My main concern is about estimating the EĀ® of each pair, as it really depends on individual set of TP (or alternitavely, estimating standard deviation, as it depends on individual set of SL) (ie. A (risk aversion)).

But yea we know that this is one of the main criticism moved to Markowitz theoryā€¦ and we should also put in account different costs for different pairs (different spread), but thatā€™s the least of the problems.

Any clue where we could start from?

I am interested, but I want to keep this on the side from the current methodology. As it stands, what is presented is duplicative for intermediate traders and possibly some newer ones.

I suggest you kick open a new thread where we can tinker around in there and maybe attract others to join the cause. And if findings increase the existing edge, we move to bring the results over here.

Looks good to me, but I really canā€™t make it on my own, due to the concerns shared in my previous post, that at this current time, I donā€™t know how to solve :frowning:

Average Fund manager (with an already well diversified portfolio, so not FX alone) makes what? 15% a year? but then you got who loses moneyā€¦ and we are still talking of institutionals/professionalsā€¦ if we get down to retails, statistics fall fast and impressively. And what I wanna do is estimating EĀ® not even of the whole market, but of each pairā€¦ itā€™s a hell of a work.

I did a fast search on web but there isnā€™t anythign at allā€¦ just people sharing their expected ROE lol which has zero integrity and vary pretty much, depending on the fantasy of the discloure xD

If you are up for it, letā€™s talk about it first, my skype is public (cos as you mentioned keep going here is a bit out of the main line).

Btw i already have an excel form for computing datas, so donā€™t worry too much about the mathematical aspect of it, the hard work is finding proper datas and calculating correlationā€¦

My form is for 2 risky securities, but iā€™m sure that someone with good excel skills could turn it easily into a 28 securities portfolio :slight_smile:

Oh idea! What about using the USDX as a start point for market performance??

The Edge.

You can profit in Forex in one of two ways. You can get lucky and quit while you are ahead, or you can create an edge in the market place and continue to profit consistently over time.

If you and I flipped a coin and for every time it lands heads, you get a dollar, but every time it lands tails you give me a dollar, what would ultimate outcome? We would be break even. Sure there might be days when you win more, or I win more, but the odds would never change in either of our favor unless one of us developed an edge.

Say we agree, that for every time it lands heads I pay you 99 cents and for every time it lands tails you still pay me a dollar. Iā€™ve now effectively created an edge without changing the odds. Given enough opportunities, I would eventually take every dollar you have as you would slowly but surely lose it to me without any hope of recovery.

How is it that casinos make so much money at games of chance? They only offer games that given an unlimited amount of trials, they will always stand to profit. They have obtained an edge and that small edge has turned a desert in the middle or nowhere into a trillion dollar oasis.

So how does this relate to Forex? How can you create an edge that no matter how many trades you make you will come out ahead?

From a psychological standpoint it is important to accept you will lose trades. To even be able to create your edge this is a fact you most wholeheartedly accept. For if you canā€™t, you will make adjustments to your trades that could effectively negate any edge you have.

A great example is the trader who always is quick to pull profits, but yet never does the same when a trade nears a stop loss. Their fear of loss causes them to capture fast pips, yet that same fear of loss prevents them from manually closing the trade.

The number one rule, before anything else is that you will lose trades. I personally lose a little more than half of my trades yet I am able to go back into the market and pull out more gains than losses as I continue to take as many opportunities as I can in the market.

Once you know your win rate, you can have a better estimation of how many pips you need to earn or loss on average to maintain an edge.

Selecting which direction to take in the market will also assist you in the development of your edge. Price moves up. Price moves down. That much is evident. However, what is not known is which direction you will take when entering the market. Itā€™s far more sophisticated than simply flipping a coin, but itā€™s not exactly brain surgery either.

I look to develop my bias in the market. My bias is my overall view of what I believe will ultimately be the direction of price movement. I can go into details of the development of such bias in a later post.

I will only take trades in the direction of my overall bias. If I didnā€™t, my win rate would be far worse and I would lose the edge I currently have in the market.

That leads to the second rule you need to accept to assist you in maintaining your edge. You will never be able to capture all the pips. So stop trying. I see traders trying to trade every time price moves up and every time it moves down. It generally doesnā€™t work out to well for them yet the continue to do it nonetheless.

Once you accept you will never get all the pips, your decision making changes. You get to stop and think. You arenā€™t so reactionary in the marketplace. You can withstand certain volatility even if price is moving against you in an existing trade.

Youā€™ve heard me say it here before, and Iā€™ll repeat it. The market doesnā€™t care about your system. It doesnā€™t give a rip on what you write down on an excel sheet. So stop trying to contain it. Systems fail as market conditions change and most traders will bust their accounts or switch systems before the market conditions return in favor of their system.

Learn to develop a methodology instead. One that allows you to engage an ever evolving market and you can make easier decisions based on what is occurring at the time it occurs. A methodology requires manual discretion. It needs your eyes and brain to make your decisions. It should not be reliant on indicators. The only indicator I use is a Japanese candlestick. Thatā€™s it. Ever other tool, is a measurement of price action, such as horizontal lines and Fibonacci. Now when I engage the market I look to see what the market itself is doing, and not from the interpretation of a half of a dozen indicators.

A simple methodology might be, that when your bias is short you will seek to trade bearish candlestick patterns on tested areas of resistance that coincide with the Golden Rule.

By creating a bias, you enhanced your edge. When you decided to only trade in the direction of your bias, you continued to improve on the strength of your edge. And then when you coupled it by limiting to only taking known bearish patterns on areas that have known to reverse price resting the famed Golden Ratio, you have now a clear cut strategy with a winning edge. The rest lies in your money management to ensure your risk is properly assessed and your wins outweigh your losses.

I personally prefer to not use predetermined stop losses and take profits, but I donā€™t fault the new trader for doing so until they get more comfortable with the market.

Any questions?

Nice writeup, MasterGunner. Thanks!

The ultimate ā€“ but psychologically-challenging ā€“ edge: cut your losers short, let your winners run, and enter trades on, and in the direction of, high-probability setups.

[Just a reminder: you may want to continue to update your initial postā€™s Thread Table Of Contents with links to this and any of your previous posts, since the last update, that you deem worthy.]

Hi, Portfolio managment end risk reduction etc was what I came here for, Im really interested in how to do that. CryAgony, could you open a new thread for that? I have a couple of taughts on how to do it too :wink:

Alright! Tomorrow iā€™ll set it up !

Thanks Beginer. Yes, I intend on continuing to share my thoughts as time permits and results appear long-term positive (meaning that Iā€™m employing the methodology correctly to some extent rather than just getting lucky).

[Just a cautionary reminder: I believe that my interpretation of the [B]MasterGunner99 MethodologyĀ® /B is still going through puberty (i.e., is a simpler, immature form of ā€œThe Real Thingā€) and thus a bit less patient and more hasty to enter positions.]

Also, (1) all Fibonacci retracements are based on the most recent ā€œintermediate-termā€ move (YMMV) and (2) apologies for the seemingly random order ā€“ itā€™s the order in which I look at each pair.

Analyses as of Sunday, Feb 17:

-Pair- Bias Status ------------ Trade Signal ------------> [FibLvl]
====== ==== ====== ======================================= ========
EURUSD Bull WAITā€¦ Close above 23.6% retracement levelā€¦ [1.3542]
GBPUSD Bear _Short Close below prior low (0% retracement). [1.5633]
AUDUSD Bear _Short Close below prior low (0% retracement). [1.0255]
NZDUSD BUll __Long Close above 23.6% retracement levelā€¦ [0.8403]
USDJPY Bull WAITā€¦ Close above prior high (0% retracement) [ 94.45]
USDCHF Bear WAITā€¦ Close below 38.2% retracement levelā€¦ [0.9161]
USDCAD Bear WAITā€¦ Close below 23.6% retracement levelā€¦ [0.9825]

EURJPY Bull WAITā€¦ Close above prior high (0% retracement) [127.70]
EURGBP Bull __Long Close above 23.6% retracement levelā€¦ [0.8567]
EURAUD Bull WAITā€¦ Close above prior high (0% retracement) [1.3190]
EURCHF Bull WAITā€¦ Close above 23.6% retracement levelā€¦ [1.2454]
EURCAD Bull WAITā€¦ Close above 23.6% retracement levelā€¦ [1.3505]
EURNZD Bear _Short Close below 50.0% retracement levelā€¦ [1.5932]

GBPJPY Bull WAITā€¦ Close above prior high (0% retracement) [147.96]
AUDJPY Bull WAITā€¦ Close above prior high (0% retracement) [ 97.43]
CHFJPY Bull WAITā€¦ Close above prior high (0% retracement) [103.64]
CADJPY Bull WAITā€¦ Close above prior high (0% retracement) [ 94.50]
NZDJPY Bull WAITā€¦ Close above prior high (0% retracement) [ 79.63]

GBPAUD Bear _Short Close below 23.6% retracement levelā€¦ [1.5180]
GBPCHF Bear _Short Close below 23.6% retracement levelā€¦ [1.4376]
GBPCAD Bear _Short Close below 23.6% retracement levelā€¦ [1.5721]
GBPNZD Bear _Short Close below 23.6% retracement levelā€¦ [1.8783]

AUDCHF Bull WAITā€¦ Close above prior high (0% retracement) [1.0348]
AUDCAD Bull WAITā€¦ Close above 23.6% retracement levelā€¦ [1.0399]
AUDNZD Bear _Short Close below 23.6% retracement levelā€¦ [1.2356]

CADCHF Bear WAITā€¦ Close below 23.6% retracement levelā€¦ [0.9139]

NZDCHF Bull __Long Close above 23.6% retracement levelā€¦ [0.7801]
NZDCAD Bull __Long Close above 23.6% retracement levelā€¦ [0.8381]

Alright, Iā€™m going to start attempting to post my analysis and trades to try to see how Iā€™m grasping the methodology. Please, anyone, feel free to critique this and share your thoughts. To fully start to integrate this methodology, I have also opened a $50k demo acct completely devoted to this until I feel completely comfortable with it. Here is my analysis as of 2/17/2013. sstrnod and I differed on 3 pairs and those are denoted with a *. I determine my bias by looking at the past 12 months, with close attention to the past 1-2 months. This is probably where we differ slightly, but like I said, itā€™s only on 3 pairs out of the total 28. Bold denotes the ones I will be watching a little more closely this week as I feel trades will be justified within the week.

[B]EUR/USD ā€“ Bias: Bull. @ 23.6%. If another candle closes above previous candle, going long. Current candle: Bull[/B]
USD/JPY ā€“ Bias: Bull. Current candle: Bull
GBP/USD ā€“ Bias: Bear. Current candle: Bull
USD/CHF ā€“ Bias: Bear. Current candle: Bull
*EUR/CHF ā€“ Bias: Bear. Current candle: Bull
[B]AUD/USD ā€“ Bias: Bear. Testing 38.2% resistance, if it breaks, short. Current candle: Bear
*USD/CAD ā€“ Bias: Bull. Just broke through 50% resistance. Buy order @ 1.0085. Current candle: Bull
NZD/USD ā€“ Bias: Bull. Watching to see if continues retrace, or continues up. Current candle: Bear[/B]
EUR/GBP ā€“ Bias: Bull. Current candle: Bear
[B]EUR/JPY ā€“ Bias: Bull. Another strong move up above previous high, may look to jump in long. Current candle: Bull
GBP/JPY ā€“ Bias: Bull. Another strong move up above previous high, may look to jump in long. Current candle: Bull[/B]
CHF/JPY ā€“ Bias: Bull. Current candle: Bull
GBP/CHF ā€“ Bias: Bear. Recently tested 23.6% support, if it breaks, may turn Bull. Current candle: Bull
[B]EUR/AUD ā€“ Bias: Bull. If another candle closes above current candle, going long. Current candle: Bull
EUR/CAD ā€“ Bias: Bull. Bounced off 23.6% support. If another candle closes above current candle, going long. Current candle: Bull
AUD/CAD ā€“ Bias: Bull, but currently ranging. If it makes a strong break through 23.6%, will look to go long . Current candle: Bear[/B]
AUD/JPY ā€“ Bias: Bull. Current candle: Bull
CAD/JPY ā€“ Bias: Bull. Current candle: Bull
NZD/CHF ā€“ Bias: Bull, but currently ranging. Current candle: Bear
[B]CAD/CHF ā€“ Bias: Bear. Recently tested 23.6%, if it continues down tomorrow strong, will short. Current candle: Bear
*AUD/CHF ā€“ Bias: Bear. If it closes tomorrow below current candle, may enter. Current candle: Bear[/B]
AUD/NZD ā€“ Bias: Bear. Current candle: Bull
EUR/NZD ā€“ Bias: Bear. Current candle: Bull
GBP/AUD ā€“Bias: Bear. Current candle: Bull
[B]GBP/CAD ā€“ Bias: Bear. Testing 23.6%, if it shows a strong bull candle, I may look to get in. Current candle: Bull[/B]
GBP/NZD ā€“ Bias: Bear. Current candle: Bull
NZD/CAD ā€“ Bias: Bull. Current candle: Bear
NZD/JPY ā€“ Bias: Bull. Current candle: Bear

Looks good, rynlds2. Good luck (to both of us); fascinating that our biases are nearly 90% in agreement ā€¦

Iā€™ll be looking for some further guidance (I think he was going to give some past examples) from MasterGunner on [B]when[/B] and [B]where[/B] (I believe he normally uses 10 pips below/above a closing bar for a long/short, respectively) to employ StopLoss orders on both winners and losers.

Ltrader, despite my comment earlier about a bias being weak if it can be so quickly changed ā€¦ as Iā€™m watching USDCHF start out of the gate a strong bull Sunday evening, I think Iā€™ll too change my bias from Bearish to Bullish if it closes above the ā€œshorter-termā€ 61.8% retracement level.

In addition to that level being broken, and former support (now resistance) being broken as you noted, if you look at a ā€œlonger-termā€ Fibonacci retracement from the high of July 24, 2012 (to the recent low of Feb 1, 2013, as depicted in the chart above) ā€“ itā€™s 23.8% retracement level corresponds with that shorter-term 61.8% level (and itā€™s 38.2% retracement corresponds with the shorter-term 100% retracement). Essentially, a close above that area would break three significant resistance levels. Thatā€™s enough to convince me, but as MasterGunner noted he would likely wait for additional confirmation (not as concerned as we are about getting in a little late).

Additionally, simply looking at the 12 candlesticks since that Feb 1 low, they seem to be screaming ā€œbullā€ ā€¦ itā€™ll be interesting to see where this candle ends up closing EOD Monday, Feb 18, and beyond.

The good MG99 has snagged my attention and curiosity so Iā€™m going to take a crack and demo his portfolio idea.

But all the fib analysis crap on the daily bars is too complicated. So in my quest to dumb down trading and make it as simple as possible Iā€™m going to do my trend analysis using just the previous two weekly candles.

I already place a lot of weight on the previous weekā€™s candle for trend direction with my intra-day trading so this should blend nicely with what Iā€™ve been doing.

My plan is to start with 5K demo bucks, open each position with 5000 units. Iā€™ll open the positions with market orders on Sunday evenings. Planning on setting a safety stop at 1.5 X the 8 week ATR.

For now I think Iā€™ll try to enter new orders once per week on Sunday nights and exit trades on a daily schedule. But as I go along this might change.

Hereā€™s a quick explanation on my analysis of the weekly candle. If the previous weekā€™s candle was a strong bull candle, this week Iā€™m buying, strong bear candle Iā€™m selling.

If the previous weekā€™s candle is showing indecision, lack of conviction, Iā€™ll step back and use the candle from 2 weeks ago, or 3 weeks as in tonightā€™s AUDCHF sell. Or throw that pair in the wait category.

Thereā€™s no rocket science behind my analysis on the weekly candles, pretty simple.

Below are the pairs with my buy/sell bias. Iā€™ll place market orders tonight, sometime between 00:00 GMT and 04:00 GMT

Thanks mg99 this will be fun, I bet weā€™ll all learn a lot and make some $$$!

AUDCAD - sell
AUDCHF - sell
AUDJPY - sell
AUDNZD - sell
AUDUSD - sell
CADJPY - sell
CHFJPY - sell
EURAUD - sell
EURCAD - sell
EURGBP - sell
EURJPY - sell
EURNZD - sell
EURUSD - sell
GBPAUD - sell
GBPCAD - sell
GBPJPY - wait
GBPNZD - sell
GBPUSD - sell
NZDCHF - buy
NZDJPY - buy
NZDUSD - buy
USDCAD - buy
USDCHF - buy
USDJPY - buy

Just to add another view to this one, for me it would have to close above the previous swing high, which as you said sstrnod, is the ā€œlonger-termā€ 38.2% level. This, to me would say that it was changing directions.

Thatā€™s just the difference in the way each person determines bias. For me, to change my bias, the trend would have to be broken. In this example, I look at the trend down with lower highs and lower lows being formed. The 38.2% support held twice now, and that was the most recent ā€œhigh.ā€ A break through that level, would show me that the trend had been broken by a higher high being formed, not to mention a pretty strong support level being broken. Not to say that a break above the 23.6% wouldnā€™t be a bad idea, it just wouldnā€™t be enough for me since price has broken that level twice in the last 1 1/2 months and even made it up to the 38.2% level before continuing down.

Welcome to the party, d-pip. Interesting and much simpler analytical technique for sure ā€¦ good luck!

Hmmm ā€¦ thanks for the response.

Thatā€™s a persuasive argument, rynlds2 ā€¦ Iā€™ll have to think some more about that. The resistance above did look intimidating, but I figured maybe one could still pickup around 100 of the 140-pip spread between those levels. But looking to pickup 100 pips with this methodology is like looking for table scraps.

First line is where I entered. Second line is where I put my first stop. The lines are not exactly on the price, but this is really for illustration purpose.

The main reason I placed the stop was in part due to that huge pin bar. I waited a day to see what price would do and it in fact started moving back up. At the end of the close that day I decided to put in a stop.

If price continued up, that would indicate to me a weaker downtrend. And if that was the case, I would just take my pips and call it a day.

It had not hit, and continued to go down showing strength in the downtrend. Now price is looking to retrace again. Iā€™m going to wait another day and see what it does. Depending on price movement, I may move me stop closer to the action.

But if your looking at it breaking the 38.2% level, thatā€™s what would change my bias. The way I see bias is I see price continuing to go that way. If I donā€™t see price continuing in the direction of my bias, then itā€™s not bias at all, just retrace. Everyone views it differently, so Iā€™m not trying to get you in my camp, just my thoughts on it.

Which pair are we discussing?