Hey all,
I went through Bernie’s February results to see what the stats were among the different types of trades. If I had a trade that fit multiple criteria, I counted it as a 10X first, a GC second and a PV last. So, for example, he had a trade that fit all 3 criteria, but I only counted it as a 10X. I didn’t do this with my own results, because there were times I didn’t follow the system as well.
I don’t know how people usually show these numbers, I’m listing pips won first, and lost second. The second number is the percentage won out of the total.
EMA Cross trades:
215.2:42.5 83.5% Win.
Goji Candle trades:
86.1:10 89.6% Win.
PV trades:
77.5:50 60.8% Win.
I’m going to trade this system cautiously now. I’m going to ditch the PV trades completely for two reasons. The first is that whenever Bernie loses, my losses are amplified. I’m only going to take the trades that have a bit better of a win rate. The second reason, is that I think the PV trades are too subjective for me. When I want to trade, I can usually find a peak or valley to trade off of. When I’m looking for trades, I’m more apt to make mistakes.