The importance of being organized

I will consider this. Thanks.

Right, having a goal and planning trades accordingly does help while trading. Many traders who start trading without setting a defined goal, aren’t able to achieve much in this market.


You are right. Without a goal, one doesn’t know the targets to be achieved. Being organized makes you disciplined.

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And discipline is a great way to climb the ladder up in forex.

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We need to maintain our discipline when trading in the Forex markets so that we can earn good amount of profits.

Agreed! One of the main factors deciding your success here.
The more disciplined and organised one is, the better he’s able to handle the markets.

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Strictly follow your trading plan and do not try to make changes in it over and over again.

It is never possible to gain trading profit without a plan. If a trader’s goals and plans are not right, he will never be successful.

Absolutely true

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I have seen many of the Forex traders doing their trades without a Trading Plan. If you will not plan your trades then the chances of getting a loss in your trades are greatly increased.

Being disciplined and organized is too important here.
Not only it helps you to avoid confusions, but you get that confidence while trading if you have a plan by your side. Its just that how well you follow it.

This should bring things in perspective for a lot of new traders, who are trading because they are too lazy to get out of bed and go for a regular job. False ambitions behind trading are the biggest causes of the failure.

This is so well put up. I have learnt a lot from reading this.

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But staying organized on the trading platform is vital if you want to make money over the long-term. If you aren’t organized, you run the risk of trading on emotion and interpreting the market incorrectly. Listed below are three top tips on how to stay organized when trading Forex: Keep a Forex Trading Journal, Have a Trading Plan and Think Before You Click.

I agree setting a goal and then trade is best. Alongside, you should not force anything because it will mess things up.

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Correct! Going slow is fine, but shouldn’t panic and force things.

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That’s correct. Planning is very important in trading. Every trader must plan their strategies in accordance with the goals

This is so well put up, mate. I could not agree any more to it, being organised is the most important vice that everyone needs to learn and adopt.

These are the two imporant point but I would like to add that consistency also plays a vital role. Being organised without any consistency doesn’t help in achieving goals


I so agree. Consistency is like one of my end goals in forex.