The importance of being organized

Do it @dushimes, its both Urgent and Important. Do it now.

I used to think, maybe like a lot of people, that time management was about being more punctual. Its far more than that. Its everything.


You cannot trade with all the clutter that you might have (mentally or physically). If you trade by being organised, which essentially means that you are disciplined and consistent, you will get better results.

Being organised helps a trader because it helps them in staying focused in the game, both mentally and financially. When a trader is not organised, there is all chaos, and nothing can move forward.

I remember a team leader I worked under at one time. he was always in a rush to do everything and get everything done.

The employer organised a time management course. He arrived late for the morning session and he arrived late for the afternoon session.

This is the same guy who travelled to London for a seminar, only to be told he should be there not that day but the next Wednesday - he was a week early…


The core benefits of being organized in trading is increased productivity and improved performance of the trader.

You are right, I know few successful traders personally I see, they are so much dedicated on their trading plan & the rules! As a result, they don’t face such a high drawdown!

Wow! This was detailed! I enjoyed reading this post. Being organised is part of living an easier and smoother life where you don’t need to stress over every small thing because its taken care of. It is very important to be organised during the trading process so you get time to analyse every situation properly before making any move like entering or exiting a trade.

Being organized is probably the most difficult aspect of trading. You are your own worst enemy. If you can deal with yourself, in particular, you have a good chance of becoming a professional trader.

Being organised and trading with patience and discipline. These are the characteristics of a successful trader. Apply all of these to your life if you want to be the one. It will benefit both your trading and your entire wellbeing.

So true, forex trade requires commitment and hard work, if we are not ready to put in the work then forex is not for us.

You have got to do what the market demands - hard work, being organised, and learning everything with discipline and patience. If you fail to do so, you cannot be successful.