The importance of being organized

It is good to see that people try to put this much effort into organising. Even people who do not trade should give it importance. It is like decluttering every aspect of your life. Decluttering helps us more than we can think of. It keeps away stress and improves productivity. Being organised also means being disciplined which is very important in trading too.

When I was new to the fx market, I was not that organised, so I paid attention to that initially. It helped me organise my trading. It took time to become like that, but now I am at least 85% organised. The remaining 15% will come naturally.

When you’re looking for an opportunity in trading (also in life) define what that opportunity is and what it looks like and then search for it. If its not there, its not there, move on.

Don’t open a chart and look to see what you can find. Open a chart and look for the one thing you wanted to see. Then trade it. If its not there, close the chart.


It’s important to be organised, especially if you’re a forex trader. Both the physical and mental aspects of productivity and concentration can be improved during a trading day. Being organised can encourage a more upbeat and concentrated state of mind as opposed to seeing chaos and feeling distracted.

Being organised is all about creating certain rules for yourself and making sure to obey those at all times. Trading becomes a lot easier if you are organized. You need to be sure about your trading rules, such as when to enter and exit a trade, how much capital to risk, which strategy to use and so on.

Being organised in trading makes it easier to stick to a schedule and accomplish goals. Spend an hour analysing your trades, researching the market and news affairs, and then formulating a plan.

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You cannot start placing trades haphazardly, moving randomly. You have got to be sure about the way things are and how to move them forward. Being organized in trading requires mental and physical discipline that one needs to develop for successful trading. Without organisation, the pathway is not clear, which in turn results in loss and chaos.

As a newbie I would say that being organised in forex trading is an important aspect to look upon. Else you would not to be able to survive in the forex market.

This is a really great post! We all are just looking to increase our savings, you got that right. If we, as traders, stay organised and plan our moves strategically, we can make decent profits.

Being organized can really help, particularly when it comes to trading. One’s ability to manage the markets is better when he is more organized and disciplined.

The point looks simple but is really worth the doing.

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Good discipline will lead you to long term in trading. So always be organized.

Is maintaining a trading journal really helpful?

As a trader it does help. Because it allows to assess the overall performance of your trading decisions and how effective your strategy is!


I feel like keeping one really helps. :blush: Apart from of course being able to evaluate your performance so far, for me, backreading some of your wins can really be the boost you need during low times! :blush:

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Hey, looks just like me!!!

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Lovely post! Glad you shared this information. Being organised during the trading process not only helps you focus on the main goal but stops you from deviating to spending more or overtrading. It keeps you rooted.

Being organised will save you from a lot of trouble in general. Forex traders need to build discipline and treat trading like a serious profession. Thank you for sharing your valuable experience with us. Many new traders encounter losses only because they lack trading discipline. So they should work on becoming more organised and plan their trading routine.

Thank you for sharing this information. I will also keep one.