The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

The lesson in this is stick to “your” trade and don’t allow outside influences to sway you. That’s the Test… Win or lose… Will you trust Y.O.U. in the end?

Think about that one. :57:

Point taken. I’m growing more confident everyday, i have been dedicating everyday to learning and studying your conceptst to trade Forex for the last 2 months as i have taken the rest of the year off from my normal job to focus on this. So the more i learn the more i will trust myself.

I still have know idea if what i saw was or wasnt a type 2 divergence (was hoping you could give your professional opinion on that) but will try find clarification somewhere in a book or on the internet about that pattern.

Thanks appreciate what your doing on here mate.

I know a good place to learn about divergence trading. Not sure if you have been here or not but its good info.
School of Pipsology Trading Divergences

well, the entry level mentioned earlier would have been a nice 140 pips gain but I didn’t have the confidence to enter :wink:
However, knowing my analysis was right is Indeed helping my self esteem for future trades…
I’ll definitely have to enter more trades if they fulfill my requirements and not bi*ch out… otherwise it will be very hard to reach my targets;)

Im out… have a great weekend y’all

Caught 75 pips with the Stinger on the Cable… Woke up feeling kinda cruddy, looked at the charts, and felt way cool. Thanks ICT!

I know hindsight is 20/20. Look at this trade though! You would have had to have guts to get in on it with all the news… plus price action was a little wild… but still. It seems to be pretty clear classic ict set up.

Nice ote. With several important confluences:
1.5650 figure
Weekly pivot
daily r1

Fiber Reflection Patter
1.2400 fig
Daily R2
Turtle Soup (took out high from last friday)
Daily R2 from Tuesday

And to top it all off. Here is beautiful smt divergence

Both of these are late nyo kill zone trades.

Again, this trade would have taken some balls to get into… But it would have netted over 150 pips on the cable trade. AND OVER 250 PIPS ON THE FIBER trade. Hindsight is 20/20 lol

how did you overlay the cable and fiber like that? and my feed fiber was only 190 pips :frowning:

There is a overlay indicator for mt4 just google it. I used to use that indicator it works great. Then you have to turn off the candles and set the MA to period 1 to make it a line chart.

The high of the day was 1.2402 and the low was 1.2133… that’s just eyeballing my charts. That’s like 269 pips. Not that I would ever dream of nailing the top and bottom that close… But I don’t think it would have been hard to pull at least 200 pips out of that range…

Any chance anyone has an overlay indicator they could attach or a link? I have found a few but a lot of them require you to sign up to the website to download?

Thanks bob been through there quite a bit but there was no clarity when talking about smaller peaks in between larger ones on the stochastic. But from now on i will monitor price when this happens and see if there is a turning point to come up with my own definition. I know that a clear divergence is when there are 2 clean peaks on the stochastic that line up with 2 clean peaks on your chart the rest is up to the individuals interpretation and that i guess will come with experience.

You know how sometimes a bullish SMT divergence can form just before a bearish SMT divergence does? Look at the chart you posted. At London Open, I would’ve been very bullish for the day. The pairs were not making the same lows. But at New York Open, the signal suddenly became very bearish and obviously both pairs fell out of bed.

Seeing both kinds of divergence at the same time or within a close time frame throws me off. Should I just accept that this happens frequently and focus on my longer time frame bias? Does my question make any sense to anyone?

yes I see what you are looking at. I would caution against using smt divergence on the 15 minute to determine a daily bias. I use it more as a confirmation on a trade that I have already been stalking. Although, if you would have taken a long at that smt div you pointed out, you could have made a nice trade depending on where your exit is placed.
The moral of the story is; you don’t have to be right, just profitable. :slight_smile:


I love this indicator! :35:

I was very interested in this project when you first talked about it, and you’ve delivered exactly what I hoped this would be. Kudos to you, what an amazing way to give back to the ICT community!! :60:

From the original ICT post on the thread “What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader… Still Wants To Know”

Forgive me, i’m a newbie looking to study Forex, and perhaps this ICT method, but I really don’t understand this.
To double money in a year requires an increase of 1.342% a week. ICT says 2% or less, so yes, that’s accurate.

So take year 1, week 1, with £1000, we need to average £13.42 increase in capital.
Say on GBP/USD which hovers around 1.5.
With £1000, 1 pip = £0.0667
Therefore £13.42 = 201.3 pips

So on this analysis, we need to average 200 pips a week. Sounds like a very difficult challenge, especially considering the occasional week will be a loss. But what’s more suprising is doing this in one trade a week!

Am I missing something here? As I said, i’m a newbie to all this. But unless this can be explained, I don’t put much confidence in spending hours and hours studying something that does not make sense from the very first post.

Thanks for your input guys.

That’s what leverage is for

It is compounded interest the next week builds on the previous win.You can risk 2% on whatever currency you trade which works out to 20 Dollars,Pounds or Euros. Stop loss at 20 pips take profit at 20 pips if you win $20 deposited into your account of whatever currency being traded.

For those who don’t follow Michael on Twitter happy birthday 40th Michael.

I’m pretty sure Clark will pop in here eventually when he’s not killing bears with his bare hands somewhere in the boonies

Thanks Ndazbe. So 20 pips for £13.42 would mean a 1:10 leverage. is that what most people use? ICT should really make it clear that is relies on leverage, and at what rate.

I’ve already taken compounded interest into consideration.

Yes, 2% = $20, but to make a profit of $20 on $20 requires a 100% increase. Sorry, but your post does not make any sense.