The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

I know this isn’t directed at me but I just have to tell you I broke my remote a long time ago and only get one channel, looks like I’m stuck on this thread forever…:54:


I am too glad to see you back ! Hope every thing is fine.

ICT, I just want to first tell you I am really happy you are back…I was so afraid that I would never hear from you again.

Also I want to say only doing market reviews is a big plus for me personally, I believe I will learn so much more this way then the other way. This will force me to look for setups myself and then give me a chance to compare with your reviews after the fact if I made a good or bad trade. This is what I really needed…


Thanks for your reply, but given the time investment that I’m going to outlay I need to be completely confident & comfortable with where & who I allocate that expenditure. So I’m going to pass. I’ll stick with what I’ve found for now & do as you advise by exploring other avenues.

I don’t know whether it’s just me but it all seems rather intense around you, like people are going overboard to express their views. Anyway, it doesn’t matter. Thanks again for your reply.

Accountability is far and few between in this business. No problem… Good with that! :57:

ICT your alive and kicking still? Oh **** I guess I need to call off the hit I put on all employees of the CFTC lol. Glad to see you around. There is a bright side to all this. Even though you deleted everything it didnt go anywhere.

A few people are now seeding the torrent as well. If you still need it, my info is just below my name. :slight_smile:

Hi Michael,

It’s has been a pleasure to read your latest posts. I hope you are doing good. I just wanted to thank you again for everything.
God bless you!

As they say, no good deed goes unpunished.

Awesome to have you back Michael!

And great post on the fiber!

Hi Michael,
Is great to hear from you and hope everything is going well there.
Just like to thanks for everything and they really help a lot in my trading.
God Bless you

Great to have you back.
While it was insane to think that your support had suddenly been taken away… its highlighted the fact that we will only come into our own and become the traders you want us to be when we’re able to think independently. I’ll be watching every upcoming video and review with this in mind…

… in the mean time… WELCOME BACK!!!
(pacify the CFTC and lets get this party started!)

Hello Michael,
Glad to have you back. I’m(was) one of your followers on twitter for your timely updates. However that account seems to be taken down due to the recent problems. Any chances of starting it again?

Please add me in too

Thanks PippyTheGrt for the effort. The recent incident has shown we have a wonderful community here. With ICT comes back, the community will grow even stronger.

I would also appreciate an email with all the material.

con_90 @ web . de


longinhqnang and regulus can remove the email addresses in the post for obvious reasons :59:

Hi Pippy,

Appreciate if you could add me to your list.

Thanks in advance.

Hi PippyTheGrt,

If possible Please add me [email protected]


Did that over 3 hours ago; check your mail (or SPAM box) :46: