The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

Moving on from my last reply to SanJ this is what I’m seeing as a potential level of interest on the Cable tomorrow morning after the LO.

I’ve just popped the fib from todays London Kill zone low at 1.6130 to the NY Kill zone high and guess what there’s was an OTE long set-up which triggered the price move up from the NY kill zone low :53:

Thanks, will go through the videos again and get a good grasp of it :slight_smile:

And also, after seeing your chart setup, it does look very promising… I’ll be eager to see how it plays out tomorrow morning…

Although, saying that, price just poked through the NY high… Again, everything should be clearer by the morning…

Gotta get off to bed now as i should be up in 5/6 hours for more chart work before work!

Good luck tomorrow :57:

If you look at the fiber, pull fib from fridays high to today’s low, the 79% is resting right on the 3130 resistance level for a short…

Looks like there are a bunch of conflicting signals…

Not sure how everyone can be on board with the divergence everyone is seeing, look at the daily chart, fiber is at a low, while cable is at a high…they are in completely different directions…?

But like always I can find a signal that looks perfect either short or long at pretty much any killzone, just a coin toss and a kiss on my lucky rabbits foot is all I have…just never works out tho…

Can I get some advice…

I have seriously lost over 50 trades since ICT has started his first thread, plus have never had a winning trade or a trade go in my direction for that matter over 25 pips?

With all seriousness should I go over all videos again when I have already gone through them 4+ times?

Should I just consider myself one of those people that can’t see the setups and probably never will, just like ICT’s uncle?

Also what am I suppost to gain from my previous trades if I still keep losing and can’t see the difference until my stop gets hit?

I’m not upset at all, but more trying to find out if maybe it’s possible I just don’t have what it takes to be a trader…I put in tons of time at this trading game and just don’t see anything in return for doing this. I keep hurting my family and friends because I spend so much time at this and I always tell them, look once I get this and start making money everything will be so much better and then look at how much time I can spend with you then when I don’t have a day job and can do whatever I want.

It’s getting to the point of not feeling like this is for me no matter how much I want it…It’s an emotional roller coaster which affects my day job and life, but I just feel if I stick with it a little bit longer I should have it down, I guess this is just a mind game I’m playing with myself…

Would like some suggestions and maybe some of you have gone through this stage before and have finally made it, would like to hear the bad and good sides of the stories you guys might have…maybe one of them will help me make my decision.


I struggle EXACTLY this way as well - - I find a great looking ote entry - and with divergence - at what I think is a s+r area, only to watch - that once again I judged wrong - - – no fault of the info provided ; fault entirely on myself; very recently, in the last couple weeks actually - I’ve decided I don’t get market flow - and I don’t get bias long or short - on a daily basis: I would study and analyze and figured I have a short bias for today - well that day happened to be the exception to the rule - - I don’t believe I was wrong with bias - or market flow - I just didn’t or don’t see clearly any ‘warning’ signals - - I am backing off understanding a daily bias for now:: going with a longer term approach - like where was a long term high recently on e’u - may 1st mid day - and so where is a ‘long term’ low - i’m guessing this past weekend - may 6 - -so where are we NOW - in a bit of retracement from that high nearly 50% retracement - so only today/tomorrow - my bias is short, IF i can see price get to about that 50% level or better - – - – I am guessing I will miss it ; as I don’t think it’ll get up to 50% level (but there I go thinking again) ---- prolly not trading; unless I can find a divergence or some other confluence at or above that 50% level - – so may need to wait several more days to ‘figure out’ a bias again.

Sorry a bit windy - but as you can see I am still trying to grasp it.

ok, not EXACLTY - but you aren’t alone.


Thanks for the reply, I guess to me it seems like more of us are struggling at this then the ones that are getting it…It just doesn’t make sense to me what we are doing wrong…it obviously works and ICT proves it to us over and over again, but if I do it on my own it fails terribly…

I know trading everyday is not good, I try to find that one setup per week that really stands out…

After each week I take a screenshot of the weeks trading and mark out the perfect trade for that week and keep it in a folder for reviews.

The problem I’m having is it takes me about 4 chances to get to the perfect trades and then the perfect trade comes and I miss it. The 4 trades I do take look so perfect when they are forming at the time, but at the end of the day they just turn into disasters. every single week I can see where I should of trades, but for the life of me can’t see it when it is forming…

My limit sell order got triggered a few hours ago for the AUD/USD at 1.0217 on a 4hr based trade. I had my limit sell order set about 15pips higher but noticed price hitting strong resistance at 1.0219 so adjusted and got triggered soon after. Price currently dropping nicely so far. Let’s see how it goes. Using a 60pips SL at 3% risk on this type of trade.

Nice trade, why the 60 pip stop and 3% risk?

I don’t want to be negative nor condesending (sp) - take a look at your join babypips date and my join date – - - - not that it means a whole ton - but I have heard - read - and believe – -
for example - do you know how to speak Manderine or Chinease? - – - You are embarking and me- - on learning both of these languages at the same time - - (no time limit on learning them) BUT - you must learn them both - and learn different dialects (sp) of them as well - and do it on your own, with no one saying - yes that is correct - move onto the next lesson. IT ALL runs together and it ALL needs to gell at some point in time – - at least that is my belief- - and why I am still here after YEARS of studying - – part time – that part time makes me feel like a non-loser – as when I still don’t get it – I say - oh well, I don’t put the time in others do… Anyways-- again my belief - anything short of making this a permanent (can be part time) but permanent part of your ‘daily’ every few days life - - not that it’s a waste of time – but put it into perspective I think -

Ok - last comment - I hope it helps - - Location - - Location – Location - - I knew I should have been a realestate guy:)
Like I mentioned a few minutes ago - -I give up for the time being - -having a daily bias - - I’ll wait many days - - then wait for a 50% retrace on a Bigger move - across an imporant s+r area - this is now ‘my’ location - wait for the ote and divergence and other confluences here - - that’s my plan.


Thanks again for the reply,

but ICT has said from the beginning that we can’t treat this like a hobby, it has to be treated like a business…

I guess this is why I have put my night and days aside to study this and be apart of it as often as I can, everyday…

ICT also said we need time in the charts, a lot of time…

I guess I just don’t think I personally could get that time if it was just part time…

So it looks like I will have to be full time or no time at all…

I look at trading like computers…My day job is IT Support, but no matter how much time and effort I put into trying to teach my dad how to use a computer, he just can’t grasp the concepts even tho I think they are so simple he struggles like crazy just turning the stupid thing on…

I just don’t get it how he can’t grasp the concept, I mean his day job is working on power lines and deals but more complicated things then using a computer for the basic needs…

I guess we all have road blocks in our lives and things we may just never know how to do…That is why I assume everyone says this isn’t for everyone…

Well PH, I don’t believe in quitting but I also don’t believe in jeopardizing family. It sounds like you may have a tough decision ahead of you.
Have you tried scalping? Or other systems that you may find easier to understand?
I often will take a 10-20 pip scalp on 15min stoch div. with an ote. It works most of the time and is easy to see. But I won’t hold for a home run. But it helps to get the bases loaded for when the HR comes around.

Just my quick thoughts on your frustration. I hope you the best whatever you do.

Isaiah 40:30 comes to mind. I read it every morning.

Thanks. I use a 60pip SL based on my back testing and it is wide enough to land the trade if it goes my way. I would rather have a wider SL and have more wins at a 1:2 ratio then use a smaller SL and may have less wins at a 1:3 ratio. The 3% risk is because I don’t take many trades and usually have low draw down as well.


I appreciate the help with trying to branch out to different concepts, but I think if I jump to a different one then it will become a habit and I will just start skipping from one concept to the next and fall behind even more…

I have always said if I can’t get ICT’s concepts then that will probably be where I leave trading…I like ICT’s concepts and like the way he trades, just wish I could see it already…

I was wondering the same thing JP. Can anyone tell us if we have missed the video somehow?
Thanks in advance.


If that works for you that is great, but I see it as going against anything ICT has showed me…He is all about keeping risk as low as possible and hopes to get a great gain…

but like I said if it works for you great, which I had something that worked…:18:

No you guys have not missed anything, the video has not been posted, and probably wont be posted for awhile…

ICT does this every once in awhile and I believe it’s because of the long process it takes to produce his videos, it takes time and just keep checking back to the thread and I’m sure he will post a link…

I am kind of worried tho because I don’t think he has been online for a while so hopefully everything is ok…

It is your decision - I do agree 100% - either you are committed 100% or not – what I am saying - - family/full 9-5 er/golfer - - I WON"T trade LIFE for this – I will however committ 100% effort when I can – and on a consistent basis - this is why I am ‘part time’ I committ 100%+ effort - for say 2-3hrs a day - – -- How far can I expect to get in a college education or learning a new language on 2-3 hrs a day? I expect to go all the way - that’s how far - – I just know for me - it’ll take even more time.
Road blocks - yes – things we’ll never know how to do yes – for example perpetual motion — a little thing like forex - -if you are committed – if I am committed — I’ll never fail – I may never get to what I dream about- - but I am having fun doing it – -
hobby vs. job - - I am an IT guy as well - so we have that in common :slight_smile: which makes me believe you’ve got a logical brain - and in an odd sort of way, I think that sort of makes us ‘dumb’ in this environment we and I assume here it is we - -pick up on OTE - and Daily Pivots - and kill zones - and can shift thoughts and get all that in about 1 evening right! I did - I watched each video one time and it all made sense.

It is the creative side that eludes me - -and trust me - -I think you / and me need it for this biz. sorry to ramble man - you happend to catch me on my drinking night -and my trade is going positive so I am waiting to make it a break even trade:

Good luck God bless-- it really doesn’t matter if you make it here or no – - be happy – be content – - be thankful for what you do have. Also I believe very strongly in what I said - -it makes no difference if I make it here or no - -I will be thankful for what I do have.

Thank you very much Piphanger, I hope all is well also.


IT geeks all the way…lol

I do like your last comment, “I will be thankful for what I do have”

which I am more focused on what I could have…