[B]Time for next chart.[/B]

Having entered, we no longer need the Keltner bands.

So we toggle to our 2nd 5 minute chart, the starc bands chart >>>

By tymen1 at 2008-07-24

On this chart the Bollinger bands are in [B]royal blue[/B] and the starc in [B]dark green.[/B]

To give clarity, I have use Microsoft Paint to shade the starc band area in light grey.

Using Microsoft Paint, I have constructed a white dot inside the red entry candle. This white dot shows our entry point of 94.

According to the [B]UM[/B], we set our first stop loss 10 pips away, that is, at 84.
(remember, we are going long or up.)
Rules :[/B]

  • if the price action hits our stop loss, then so be it, we have a 10 pips loss. We then need to deal with the retraces.

  • if the price action goes our way (up) by 5 pips (to 99), we enter a second amount [U]and also[/U] double our stop loss (because we now have 2 amounts) [U]and [/U]move this double stop loss to [U]break even[/U].

This break even point is 94!! (where we started).

So we do two actions - an extra entry and a stop loss move.
Later I will show how to do this very quickly on the GFT platform.
Sorry, I cannot show this on other broker platforms.

If the price action goes against us and hits 94, we will still sustain a spread loss, but that is of little concern.

OK, now study this chart and wait for the next exciting chart!! :smiley: :smiley:

Hello again tyvm :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve got a lil question on how to configure the MACD on DealBook.

Iā€™ve got a MACD green hgm and a MACD red hgm. Iā€™ve tried to make it like you on the graphs but iā€™m not sure which one to delete and which one i have to make visible.

Could you please help me on that one ? :rolleyes:

thank you Sir


Still trainingā€¦

Can anyone tell me if he take the shape on the 20mn chart for GBP/USD this 28th of july, third candle at 13:40 PM GMT, as an Evening star he has been trading UMS ?

Same question for EUR/USD, same timeframe, same day but 04:20 AM GMT ?

Thanks for the answer.

"Donā€™t go where there is a path. Open a new one and leave a trail".
If you want to understand what weā€™re talking about here (UMS) then read this

Greetings [B]SammyDeluxe[/B],

Welcome to this thread. :slight_smile:

Firstly, it is [U]not [/U]the histogram that you need.

It is the MACD that you need. (But then, you can have the MACD in histogram form.)

Do not delete either. The green one is for trading long and the red one is for trading short.

Just minimize the one you are not using.
In our long engulfing trades, we will be using the green MACD.

This is shown on the trading example that I am doing now.

If I have only confused you further, post again and I will show screen shots of the Dealbook indicator window to show how it is all done.

Sorry FXCaribbean, I do not understand the question.

[B]We go on to the next chart [/B]- still in the 5 minute starc band chart >>>

By tymen1 at 2008-07-24

Like the previous chart, the entry is still shown with the white dot on the red candle.
You can see it on the left of the chart.

Now we are waiting for one of two things :

  • a retrace first trade which will hit the stop loss at 84.

  • a pips first trade with price action rising to 99 where we enter a 2nd amount and move the double stop loss to 94.
    The stop loss will then be moved from 84 to 94 - this is a 10 pip move.

But what are we seeing!!? :eek:

[U]Neither![/U] :frowning:
The price action just goes into range mode with the highest price at 98 and the lowest at 88.

This can happen when we enter a trade.
A lot of nothing.
It is frustrating.
It means we simply have to wait.
A breakout may be due.
But which way? We will just have to wait and see.
Up till now we have 7 five minute candles since we entered - that is 35 minutes of nothing.
Sitting on our hands.
We worry not - [U]something will happen![/U]

[B]Wait for the next chart.[/B]

Thanks Tymenā€¦still following along, I like the step by step approachā€¦many thanks

Welcome to this thread [B]Markc[/B]!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Have a look at this hyperlink :

It was emailed to me by my broker, Kinetic Securities, in Sydney.

Here is the picture.

Would you consider those 2 as Evening star pattern ?

Thanks tymen.

[B]To FXCaribbean[/B] :

The first chart shows a [U]short engulfing pattern[/U] but is untradable since it is not on the Bollinger band.

The second chart does indeed show an [U]evening star[/U] and it is on the BB, making it a trade.
However, a degree of skill would be needed because, as you can see, price went up rapidly afterwards.
The action of bringing our stop losses to [U]break even[/U] is very important in this trade.

Hi tymen1,

I have setup the 5 mins keltner chart using MT4. Do you mind helping me to check on the keltner settings and esp the two MACDs.

The MACD in the center of the pic is the standard MACD and the bottom MACD in the pic is the inverted MACD. The Bollinger band is in black and the keltner band is in red and blue. Feel free to give your comments on my chart.

Newbie first postā€¦

There is a couple charts posted with a pair of Macd chartsā€¦ was that only for illustration regarding Vectorā€¦ or are the two a fixture on the charts now.


and thanks so much for sharing your very detailed and specific approachā€¦ and taking the time to make sure that everyone is grasping the concepts and nuancesā€¦

Looks fine to me [B]Ray_1[/B].

You do not need the signal (trigger) line in the MACD. So you can delete that.

The BB is better in blue - easier to see.
Thicken the lines if you can.

Have a full line for the mid Keltner band (the mid Keltner is important).
Use red for all three lines of the Keltner to save confusion.

When you set up the starc bands, use a different colour again.
I use dark green.


You have impeccable timing in posting your chartā€¦ I am just configuring one in Metatrader and I can compare to yoursā€¦



Welcome to this thread [B]Blaiserboy [/B]. Trust you will gain much benefit from it. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
Thank you also for your kind compliment in your visitor message. :slight_smile:

Yes , the two MACDā€™S are a fixture now.
They are used for the Keltner entries on the 5 minute charts as explained in the early parts of this thread.

The green MACD is used for entries going long (up).

The red MACD is used for entries going short (down).

Therefore, only one MACD is used on an entry. The one that is used depends on which way we are trading and that depends on what candlestick pattern we trade.

The MACD that is not used for the trade entry, should be minimized so that maximum room is available for the rest of the chart.

Please examine my chartā€¦ and clarify which Macd to be redā€¦

thank you

[B]Time for next chart.[/B]

And, at last, something happens!!
Pips first or retrace ??
Lets see >>>

By tymen1 at 2008-07-26


This could be confusing. :confused:

So lets go through it [U]carefully[/U].

The price action has started to move. But which way?
It is going long! Hey, thats what we want!
Yes, so its a [U]pips first[/U] trade.
[U]This means we have to add a 2nd amount and shift the stop loss.[/U]

So here we goā€¦

[U]We look at the price action at 5 pip intervals :[/U]

The price rises to 99 (103.99).
This is 5 pips higher.
So we add a 2nd amount.
At the same time, the stop loss is doubled (we are now trading 2 amounts) and reset to 94.
The stop loss was at 84.
So we have jumped 10 pips with the stop loss.

Hereafter, the stop loss is only shifted 5 pips at a time.

The price action now goes to 04 (104.04)
This is 5 pips higher.
We shift the double stop loss by 5 pips to 99

The price action now goes to 09 (104.09)
This is 5 pips higher.
We shift the double stop loss by 5 pips to 04

So far, so good. :slight_smile:
As you can see, the stop loss keeps pace with the price action and is always 5 pips behind.

I have put blue numbers next to the operations on the chart in order to show the steps.

If the price action [U]went down again [/U]after [U]step 2[/U], then the 1st amount, entered at 94, having gone up to 99, would [U]break even [/U]at the stop loss of 94 (step 2)
The 2nd amount, entered at 99, would drop to 94, exit, and give a [U]loss [/U]of 5 pips.

[U]All other steps give a profit.[/U]

[B]Wait for the next exciting chart tomorrow!![/B] :smiley:

[B]FXCaribbeanā€™s Avatar

I greatly appreciate your efforts to maintain that summary. I am sure that many people including me have found it to be most helpfulā€¦

Thanks again!!!

The [U]standard MACD is the red one[/U].
This has values :
short = 8.39
long = 17.52
signal deleted.

These values are in correct order.

The [U]inverted MACD is green[/U].
this has values :
short = 17.52
long = 8.39
signal deleted.

These values are clearly, inverted.

On your chart the [U]top MACD [/U]is the standard MACD and should be [U]red[/U].

As I said earlier, the red MACD is for short trading (corresponds with red candles - going down).


the green MACD is for long trading (corresponds with green candles - going up)

Hope this helps. :slight_smile: