Next day - healing from that cat.

Still in no position to type.

owwwww!! :eek:

Sorry! :o :o :o

Hi tymen1,

Drop by and sorry to hear that you are injured. Rest well and hope you have a speedy recovery so that we can see your trades examples soon. :slight_smile:

Thanks so much to Tymen and SimplexX in producing this.

Having The Ultimate Candlestick Trading Method in a concise document is fantastic.

Tymen sorry to hear about your injuries and hope your cat is safe.


I will persist on as best as possible.

Hey guys,

I am a complete newbie to forex and I have been on this website religiously every single day mostly on these forums searching for information, help, and trading strategies. I’ve been following this thread for a while now and although I am not trading real money (currently trading practice account with FXCM) I am becoming better and better every week. For almost 2 months I’ve been practicing and let me tell you, learning how to trade candlesticks has been the single most important thing I have learned so far. I am beginning to understand candlesticks SO much more and I’m really hoping that my success trading candlesticks is no fluke. For all those out there who are aspiring traders and are looking into using candlesticks to trade, here is a little something I did in a little over 2 hours of trading strictly candlesticks and no lagging indicators (file is attached in JPG format).

Most of you are wondering who I am, considering I haven’t interacted much but I have been following along and reading everyone’s posts and I GREATLY appreciate all this information I have at my disposal.

Tymen - keep up the wonderful work!! You are a great asset to this community.

I have been away from the forum for sometime. I was abruptly pulled away due to a personal matter. I receive emails when something is posted in the forum. But, by and large, I have not been in a position to read and participate. A newbie nonetheless trying to learn.

For some reason, I logged in today and I am glad that I did.

Prior to being pulled away, I gleened a great deal from this forum; IMHO, a very exciting way to trade Forex.

To keep it brief, Tymen, many have said thank you, to you, for your time, effort, work and generosity. I would like to echo that sentiment as well. THANK YOU! I hope the injury is not too serious and you heal quickly.

I also appreciate the positive attitudes and willingness of many others on this forum to help youngsters like me get on the right track. From your posts, to writing the blue print for this method, to speaking with me on the side (Vulcan):slight_smile: . Thanks folks!

I hope to be able to participate and give something back in the not too distant future, but I’ll have to see how the Lord God dictates that.

Peace & Blessings, and many successful trades to come!

Thank you indeed to both [B]Pip Stop[/B] and [B]FX[/B].

I have recovered from sickness and now my cat attack healing is getting along.

Still very sore with red hands, but I think on Monday I shall re-start posting in earnest and then posting many examples of trades at the 3 main levels.
The Basic level will be first.[/B]
I know that some of you will only want to see Advanced level trades, but going up in levels will allow you to appreciate the finer points.

The Basic level makes use of the multiple amount trading strategy for money management.
This is a strong point.
Without this approach, the win/loss ratio would be about 40/60 in favour of losses.
So even with the candlestick method, the house edge is still against you.
The multiple amount strategy overcomes this house edge.

The weakness of this approach is the distance between the entry and the stop loss.
This can be large, and if hit, the loss could be large.

The Intermediate level overcomes this weakness by use of the Starc band entry.
For the rest, the Intermediate level uses the Basic level strategy.

The Advanced level uses the Intermediate level Starc band entry, then its own exit method.

[U]In Summary :[/U]

[U]Basic level[/U]

entry - basic
exit - basic

[U]Intermediate level[/U]

entry - advanced
exit - basic

[U]Advanced level[/U]

entry - advanced
exit - advanced.

So the Intermediate level is a hybrid.

here is the pdf with hyperlinks in the index

What’s all these indicators have to do with candlesticks? Seems like someone is trying pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes. I don’t see anyone posting successful trades like in the other threads.

BrianDuffer, pls go through the whole thread in details. Those who have benefited from this thread have written their comments here. Those who have benefited including me do not need to post successful trades to show our improvements. People can benefit from this thread in many different ways like learning about candlestick patterns, multiple lots trading, trade and money management.:slight_smile:

I’m up 15% this week from using the Advanced Method.

Not bad considering i didn’t trade on Tuesday or Friday.

Just a friendly note to let you guys know I have a new blog with a comprehensive list of candlestick price action strategies via my videos and articles. You can see the candlestick forex strategies here Learn Forex Price Action Strategies and Systems blog
Be sure to sign up for my free videos

I have put alot of time into the blog and trust you will enjoy my concepts

I had posted results (demo), but then I read your real traders thread (looks like you drew alot of heat) and realized that doesn’t mean anything to you. My live trading is up too, but obviously I’m not giving you numbers.

It is easy for you to go around criticizing everything you see on this forum.

But what about you come up with something useful for a change.

Negative posts are generally not appreciated.
Don’t become a troll.

[U]To answer your very negative and somewhat ignorant post…[/U]

With candlesticks only you are trading naked.

The only extras added here are probability bands, not indicators as such.

They are the Bollinger bands on all levels and the Starc bands on the Intermediate/Advanced levels.

[U]They work[/U] - and that is what is important.

Thank you for your post Mav08.

I am sure it will be a most helpful addition to candlestick training.

I have had a look…a nicely presented website!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I also like your nice fresh avatar!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

My healing is getting along nicely (hot salt water is the key!!) :slight_smile:

So I shall log onto Kinetic and examine suitable trades for demo trading.

Remember, for safety and security, I never post real pips.

I recommend you do the same.

Be careful what you post there Damo989.

The whole world is watching - even terrorists.
The taxman too!! :eek: :eek:

I know it feels great to parade your profits, but in these times maybe we should think twice.

Congratulations anyway!! :smiley: :slight_smile:

Haha It was demo trading so the taxman can come sniff around all he wants but he aint gonna be able to do alot :smiley:

I wouldn’t post live trading results on here, that is for my eyes only :smiley:

Anyway its good to hear you healing tymen, my partner has just bought a kitten and the little devil likes to have a go at my hands from time to time.

[B]I am now going to post the first of my example trades.[/B]

[B]This is a Basic level trade.[/B]
Each trade is taken live and screen printed as I trade along.[/B]

This trade occurred only a few minutes ago.
It is GBP/USD (cable) on a 30 minute chart.

There are 13 charts to this trade - explanations below each chart >>>

By tymen1 at 2008-10-13

This is a [U]main chart [/U]of course, Basic level trades only use the main chart.

We are going long on a 3 green soldiers pattern.
They are the last 3 candles on the chart.

The 3 green soldiers pattern does [U]not have to be on the Bollinger bands[/U] to be traded. It can be anywhere.

I need a little assurance that this trade will actually work so I have drawn a trend line in blue on the chart.
You can see the trend - it looks promising.

I have also labelled the upper BB - it is opening and looks promising.

OK, thats good enough assurance, lets trade.

The first step is to set up the PCI stop loss.
It is on the chart (can you see it?).
We put this on [U]before [/U]we are ready to enter the trade.

[B]OK, lets go!![/B]

[B]Chart 2[/B] >>>

By tymen1 at 2008-10-13

You can see the [U]long entry[/U] line as a [U]solid [/U]line at 10 (1.7210)

We entered [U]2 amounts[/U] because we are using the Multiple Amount strategy.

The PCI is a couple of pips below the lowest green soldier bottom. (dashed line).

Immediately the price goes the wrong way a little, that is red.
We are looking to go [U]long[/U], that is [U]up [/U]which is [U]green[/U].

If you look carefully, you can just see the floating profit/loss on the top right hand corner.
It is negative.

[B]Lets see what happens :[/B]