Well Tymen I hope everything is ok with you, everything has solution in this life. So I hope to see you around here as before and keep up the good work man.


Hi everyone, I haven’t found many trading opportunities for let’s say the past week, I don’t know if It`s just me of the market has been a little bit tricky, what do you think?

I mean regularly I make four or five trades a day without looking that much, and the past week I barely could make one or two per day.

What do you think of this?



I don’t know about anyone else, but I have no problems with you changing YOUR system. I think I’ve read in this forum that the market isn’t always the same, and what works today, won’t necessarily work tomorrow. It’s good to be flexible.


I’ve noticed that too. Try zooming out on a long term (month) chart. Alot of the pairs are at major levels right now.

market is moving like normal… but it seems odd depending on the setup your looking for… its a bit more volatile and pattern setups are not following there probabilities its a market shift… which if youve been reading the news shouldnt seem to odd for our SITUATION… and thats normal

…so u have to research what your teaching?.. because its to complex and people dont get it? as a teacher you should realize what the error is

Unless you are a regular here, you are probably not aware of what I am trying to do.
It is not a matter of research.
It is a matter of trying to choose between 2 Starc band settings which give different approaches.

Both are very productive in pips but one is simpler in presentation.

I have to do “lesson preparation” in order to decide which way to go.
It is possible that I might present both approaches and let the reader make a final choice.

But 90% of my delay is being brought about by domestic issues currently and the fact that my printer has just blown up as well - hence the search for either a quality replacement or repair of the present machine.

Hello from Colombia, South America! Well, I guess I’ll chime in here and add my tidbits. I read this entire thread twice and I still don’t understand it completely. I get the main idea, but it will probably take time to sink in. I’m a little over six months into Forex trading with demo accounts. Following the techniques in this thread, I managed to obtain a 43 pip profit in four trades in one day. I missed a couple of other good trades only because I was more focused on what the Starc and B-bands were doing or not doing.

I have some statistics for the EURUSD pair that I spent a whole day analyzing. Not sure if it would help with the other pairs being traded, but I think it might be an eye opener and complement nicely with what is being taught here. I would like to post them here when I complete it. I think it will instill more confidence when entering and exiting a trade. Also, I feel more at ease knowing this information that I do not use any stops.

Thanks Tymen, this is a good thread and it helped me quite a bit.

Glad to hear it’s working for you too.

One thing you said that is alarming though, no stops? What if your power goes out or your ISP breaks down while you’re in a trade? Very risky business.

Yeah we do use stops here [B]Chrispej[/B].

Welcome to this thread. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I trust your internet connections are all in good order there in South America. :slight_smile:

The stops have not been shown on my latest pictures because I am trying to show trading tactics for entry/exit.

I look forward to you presenting these statistics.
We will definitely look at them.

You got 43 pips already and that after 6 months practice.
Well done!! :slight_smile:

Now to all I say sorry in the delay in posting onwards.

I have had one interuption after another.
These interuptions should cease soon.

I now have to decide on a replacement printer - the Canon MP630 seems like a good choice.
The cartridge traveller can be removed for cleaning.
Could go laser but they do not do good photos.

Tomorrow is again out but I will be returning in proper soon.
I have only to decide which of 2 ways we will go.
And that I will consider very carefully, although I think the decision is probably made already.

Thanks Tymen for the welcome. After some thought, it would probably be better that I start a new thread with the information I have been gathering and refer to it on occasion inside your thread. While I do believe it could complement your teachings, I am thinking some confusion might set in. Since I enjoy your style of teaching, I am going to try and emulate it as much as possible. One thing I have noticed as I get started you do put in a lot of time and effort in your posts.

Here is one statistic for the USDJPY 30 minute chart. I�ve downloaded the historical data and imported it into a spreadsheet. The data consists of 65,000 30 minute segments beginning in 2003 to present. For each segment, I calculated the pip spread from the high and low. Then I broke the spreads down into four groups, 10 or less, 11 to 19, 20 to 29, 30 and above. Here are the percentages.

10 or less 23.08% (15,004)

11 to 19 51.21% (33,295)

20 to 29 18.15% (11,800)

30 or above 7.56% (4,917)

Pretty basic stuff, definitely not rocket science. You can easily see that almost 75% of the M30 segments have a spread between 0 and 19 pips. Combine this knowledge with the Starc / B- Bands on the 5 minute chart, you start to get a good idea how much the price might move. Watching the charts today, I actually estimated a reversal on the 30M chart and was off by 1 pip.

But I need to mention that I�m still trying to understand all this and this past week I have been trading off the 5M chart and using the 30M for reference. Once I feel comfortable with the 5M chart, I attend to move up to 30M and 1H.

The 43 pips I caught so far was this past week solely on the information in this thread. I even grabbed another 7 pips today in one trade.

Anybody catch that ride on the USDJPY and EURUSD pairs today? :)I missed it�…:frowning:

I now have to decide on a replacement printer - the Canon MP630 seems like a good choice.
The cartridge traveller can be removed for cleaning.
Could go laser but they do not do good photos.

Kodak or Brother is best choice.

Kodak - cheap ink, good quality

Brother - Prints, Faxes, Scans, Copies. It cost so little that everytime it breaks down, chunk it and go get another.

The only problem with a Brother machine is everytime it breaks down it says “Call Brother”. So I call Shawn and he doesn’t know what to do either.

Well, I might be getting the hang of this.

The long arrow shows the Starc heading towards the bottom of the B-bands. At the red arrow, I placed my sell order. That was kind of risky because the B-band trumpet had not formed yet. Ten minutes later, the trumpet began to form and it was a nice ride downhill.

In the second chart, the top B-band started to turn down as indicated by the yellow arrow. I’m guessing the was some resistance at the 96.00 level. At the red arrow, I closed my trade for a gain of 25 pips.

Tymen, if by chance, you are wondering why I entered the trade before the trumpet was formed, it has to do with the spread percentages of the candles. Kinda difficult to explain at this point but I hope to soon.

I’ve been staring at these charts too long today…:o

Nice Chrispej. What’s the time frame on your main chart? What pattern did you trade? Thanks.

Very interesting!! :slight_smile:

Thanks for the tips!!

And the joke about brother. :smiley:

A nice Starc band trade there [B]Chrispej[/B]. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Very orthodox.

You did correct procedure - trade only short when Starc bands go down.

And that 25 pips was in 45 minutes!!
Which is lovely.

It took me a moment getting used to the black charts.

The reason I don’t use black charts, is you use a hellova lot of ink when you print them!!


Thats just a big waste!!

Yes, I find that white background charts have a higher resolution.

This is better for fine details on the chart.

There is also an evening star pattern on the chart at the point you describe.

Two green candles, the 2nd being the star.
Then followed by the first red candle.