The market is not predictable - fact or fiction?

No one can predict anything because it’s the future - even the weather - or can they - and make some money doing so.?

[quote=“peterma, post:14, topic:320990”]
But small guys have a distinct advantage - there is no requirement to be in the market every day.
[/quote]great point

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It is a very debatable topic. Markets can never be100% predictable, but the basis for any business, including trading is demand and supply. These two factors are literally the 2 invisible hands that determine the entire market. Once, a trader can understand this and use this principle, it is possible to predict about 90% of the upcoming market conditions.

Predicting the direction of the forex market is not easy but with accurate tools and resources traders can attempt to predict it

I don’t know how people get to know in which direction the market is going. I try my best to predict the direction but it doesn’t always turn out to be useful. Sometimes, I go in the exact opposite direction and there is nothing that I can find to get help from.

If you can get a sense of the trend of the market, this is as close as you can get.
This is possible.