The Trader's Arms - Now Open for Business

EJ long triggered at 105.75… reasonably happy with that as my entry for the daily retrace.

Nice bounce off support RC, E/U is moving up but kind of lazy

Crazy move for the ‘wee hours’ as HOG would say. I was off to the land of NOD but think I will pull the ‘Red eye shift’ and catch the pullback. LOL!!!

Long E/J from 105.85 after the LO retrace this morning hit the short-term support trendline. Let’s see if we can push up past the offers at 106.25-40. Equities are a little up today and USTs are a little firmer so we’ll see…

Edit: Added another position the same size after price came back to my original entry point of 105.85 to bring me up to a half size position with my stop below yesterday’s low for a bit over 1.3% risk in total. Took off half just now at +30 after the decent ADP numbers and leaving the rest to run. Stop to B/E.

Edit 2: Closed out the second position for +75 after it got up near the high from the previous day off the back of that Fed news

My preference today is a long off GU @ 5716

I banked 30 pips in my long trade. But took too much time given the current downtrend

Looks like the break of the up trend line is going to be confirmed today:

EU & GU sitting right at bull/bear mid point… still recon bulls have it.

EDIT: Too range bound for my tastes today. I’m out with 6.5 pips! LOL

My bias has turned to bearish after confirming the end of last month up trend. But yesterday candle’s wick is small so i will look to short starting at 1.3180 level… above 1.3300 is a buy zone for me

Been taking a look at EU Yunny… looks to me as if were into a transition day or two? I don’t expect EU to peak much past 1.3150 tonight if at all and tomorrow track down to 1.31 max. Wouldn’t be at all suprised if we see Fridays candle heading into daily longs.

Currently shorting EJ off the high (106.90) … 18 pip short retrace and currently short again.

EDIT: But agreed… longer picture looks like EU coming over the top… so… I’m thinking weekly high around 1.3370’ish LOL then a track down. Having said that, I’ll roll with the 4h and daily! :smiley:

not worth trading a couple days before NFP

Hi Mike! A couple of days? :35: Whats wrong with say… an hour before and 30 mins after? LOL!!!

tomorrow we will know the % of PSI participation on greece debt restructuring… that might set a direction for the pair, seems that any outcome will be bad for euro… but we know big guys like to go the opposite way :slight_smile:

You my friend just might be on to something lol

Well I’ll stand in the naughty corner if I’m wrong… until I see playtime approaching. :smiley:

EDIT: just asking Yunny… what the heck is ‘restructuration’? Not Queens English at all ‘old boy’ :smiley:

:D:D I guess the word is “restructuring” am i right?.. thank you for correcting me…

I was doing a blunt translation from spanish :smiley:

LOL I’ve had trades open on every NFP day for the last full year :smiley:

Hat’s off Yunny… is that American Spanish or Spanish Spanish? LOL!!! I can converse in French, German and Spanish, Spanish. Ahem… way off track. :eek:

EDIT: Whatch your stops … LOL … Interbank testing the high. Short 1.3154.

My languages knowledge is limited to Castilian and to a very bad english as you can see here :smiley:

Dont feel bad I am from the USA and I can not speak English either. Kind of sad so seeing as how its the only language I know. I also live in England for some time. You think somethings would have rubbed off on me

I’m fishing here… but wife is French (South of France… ‘Perpignan’). Castiiian… Just south of the border then? Spanish, but NOT Spanish!? LOL More Catalan? Follow the ‘Catalan Dragons’ Rugby League. Great beach L’Escala! :smiley: