The Trader's Arms - Now Open for Business

Wow where did u learn to trade? Come up with it yourself? Pretty interesting using a line chart

Ah, much appreciated Mr Carter… And with diagrams too :o… I feel special lol!

Very interesting indeed tho - i must admit i have never switched over to looking at things from a line chart perspective, certainly different from the all the candlesticks im so used to…

Definitely a very different angle on the S/R ive been working with… But i do like the idea of watching out for these ‘V’ and ‘/’ at important levels and see how they pan out. Out of curiosity, how are these lines determined, by the looks of things they only account for the bodies of the candle and not the wicks? News announcement fluctuations looks very different!

Well it’s funny you should ask the question about how the line chart is formed young Merlin. I was just looking over a few things so I could start the tlpic of support and resistance on the second floor.

I would point you in the direction of babypips school of pipsology and support and resistance section in elementary school. In there it advocates the use of line charts to dtermine S&R levels, NOT candlesticks. So now I’m starting to look at it all from a slightly different angle.

I’m sure I must have read that the first time round but never noticed it because I wasn’t looking for it ( google “the invisible gorilla” for an explanation) after being taught that candlesticks were the big boys of trading.

So, been looking at various sources of Support and Resistance info today. Trying to make sense of a few things, including RC’s mention of the line charts.

One thing I will say about S&R is this, today on my adventures through many a varying piece of media, I have been to ld to use these points as S&R:

price reaction levels
institutional levels
previous days highs/lows
previous weeks high/lows
previous session high/low
pivot points
sma/ema as dynamic S&R

So I plotted all of these levels on the one chart and found them to be no good. Why? Couldn’t see the fu***** candles for all the lines on my chart !!!

Just keep it simple, here is the daily chart of E/U, here I show how I identify the first resistance level in the dailies.

Later I will explain other levels :slight_smile:

Not saying you should take this trade…remember tomorrow is big news day…

So which thread is the trading thread? And which is the larking about thread? I’m confused…

Who cares, I’m working the theory that if I just keep on starting threads we’ll either corner the market or end up with the tallest pub in the UK LOL!

Stick to:
previous weeks high/lows
previous months high/lows
weekly/monthly floor trader pivots
Fibos drawn with swing points in the daily chart
100, 200 Daily SMA

I have been using “classic” pivot points on my charts. What is the difference to “Floor Trader” ??

they are the same :slight_smile:

We have an analyst in our thread gentlemen. I’m duely impressed Banker… were all tech’s! :smiley:

EDIT: So you put value in professional analysts take on shorter term moves, weekly say?

I’m heading up to the 2nd floor for the foreseeable guys. May take some of the recent info posted with me at some point if that is ok with you guys.

Yunny, from what ive seen in previous charts your S/R levels are not just levels though, you consider them more an area is that correct?

I remember seeing a few times where you highlight areas you expect support or resistence in price and usually covers a range of candle wicks and bodies to where it looked like the bulls and bears have been going head to head…

Just seen your post HoG - will migrate trading related to the 2nd floor too! I feel the spin off here may have been my fault as i asked RC the initial question - apologies!

You are right SanJ!! But the idea is also to pinpoint the best level to enter the market… to answer you, first I will post some info about S/R… all of this in the 2nd floor thread :slight_smile:

Short off EU @ 1.3030.

Man things have heated up in the traders arms last night. Here I just stop in for some hob nobs and tea. All of a sudden I am hearing trader talk all around me. Must be some party up there on the second floor.

Well that worked out quick! You got in where I got out it seems.

Well if the kettle is on bobmaninc, I take mine with milk and 2 sugars, just don’t come up without the biscuits LOL!!!

As for the trading party, it’s basic but still worth being at in my opinion. Never ever thought i’d go to a study party though.

Well if you are a newbie FMCalisto you might want to come upstairs to the new Trader’s Arms 2nd floor. Not long started, beginning with the basics, building our skills from there. It’s full of ruffians down here anyway LOL!!!

I have been called a lot of things in my day but a ruffian thats a first lol