The worst nightmare for forex traders

Yeah, and that is the base material for any trader’s nightmare :joy:

For people like me who trade without a stop loss this could prove to be catastrophic, but for the people who do trade with stop losses this shouldnt be an issue.

In general, the Swiss National Bank did not want to strengthen the Swiss franc, so it controlled its exchange rate. In 2015, the SNB abandoned this policy, which caused panic on the market, liquidity was low, so orders were requoted.

@THE_GOATE you have still much to learn, young padawan.

1.Stop Loss order is market order, just set up on price level and is activating when price touch this price level.
2. Stop order IS NOT GUARANTEE order ( there were brokers who guaranteed SL now I don’t know anything about it) so slippage may occur and occurred in this case


as hundreds of people learned to their cost, something like that is a huge issue, when it happens, even for those using stop-losses, because those are the exact circumstances under which a broker can’t honor the stop-loss because of the speed of price movements, and overwhelming slippage results

but something on that scale happens maybe about once a decade, and affects only customers who have a position open at the time on the affected currency and are not using guaranteed stop-losses (which some brokers do offer)

sounds interesting you don’t trade by Sl, how could you??
coz I learnt the very first step is to set SL

What do you mean by how could you? Take a look at the attached screenshot and see/judge for yourself.
I too have been told a lot of things about forex which I have come to realize are actually making it difficult to achieve good outcomes in forex. Here are 4 of them…
(1) you must use a stop loss
(2) you must journal your trades
(3) forex trading is not gambling
(4) you must backtest your strategy

I dont use stop losses. I dont journal my trades because journaling up to 40 trades in a day is too much work for me. I believe forex trading is no different from gambling according to the definition of gambling. My strategy cannot be backtested so I cant do it

I remember that event. I remember this well cuz I was with FXCM at the time and they almost went out of business. I wasn’t trading at the time but lots of people were moaning and groaning since FXCM’s system failed to trigger people’s SL and resulted in a huge, huge problem for everybody including FXCM. :flushed:

Prices suddenly skyrocketing or dropping massively and instantly wiping my account. This happened to me many times in the past,
also the suspicion that the prices move deliberately against you, because too many times, just as I am having consecutive successes, as soon as I open a trade, the price immediately moves against me in the opposite direction as if some trading bot is manipulating the prices,
but I don’t think the prices are rigged against a single individual because the charts are identical when looked at from different brokers. I havent compared when looking on different devices yet, but i remain suspicious.

Its good that you’ve checked simultaneous prices from different brokers, somehting I’ve never bothered to do.

Its hard to believe that price wuld be spiked against a single trader - the gains from a single stop from a single herbert would surely never be worthwhile. On the other hand the risks of spiking prices across the whole client base are silly as two things will quickly happen - either traders will notice Broker A’s price is sudenly out of kilter with Brokers B to Z, and they will change brokers: or Broker A’s clients will simply use this as an arbitrage opportunity - either way the broker gets taken to the cleaners by the opposition.

And that’s excluding the risks of the regulator stepping in, the risk manager getting fired, and the company’s credit lines’ fees going through the roof.