The Z Pattern

H4 zpattern turned out perfectly… I’m done for this week two z pattern from Asiansession . tp in us session.


Also, thinking of switching brokers to one with the added 8hr and 12hr charts, Is it worth it? Currently with Axitrader who only have the 30min, 1hr, 4hr and daily…

You can always open a demo account.


Just get a demo MT5 account - use that for your charts and your “normal” platform for trading.

Trading with larger trend and scoping z patterns on lower time frame next week… this week I took major losses, got too ****y on the charts and then became confused about this whole VZ thing that no one places too much emphasis on and is only used for secondary analysis.

Have a good weekend guys,

It might be a rather crude assumption. But October is not much of a trending month. Something to have in mind.


So how would you trade Z patterns in october? What are your suggestions?


As normal.

It’s what happenes after the ZP. And how far price might go before fading back. Prices might not springboard off trendlines like it did on our Eur/Jpy trade the other day. That’s my experience of this month anyway.


What happened to signing off with ’ Best ’ ? It’s style:54:


Hi All,

[B]Could I ask everyone to head over to ZFX and rate the posts. It prob only takes 5 min. of your time. But it gives me a better idea of what sort of things to post in the future. Thanks!

Ok guys, the start of the week, lets try and post all setups or highlight them on here before they occur so we can all increase our profits as some may see setups that others cannot see!

Lets all have a good trading week!

Good luck and in the words of my friend Kasravi… ‘BEST’ :wink: Roni

hey wondering which broker offers H8 and H12 Timeframe?

u mentioned VZ gets updated. When first VZ didnt go back to the TArget VZ and a new pivot is formed. do we forget about the first VZ or do we use it as our target when the new pivot ( New VZ ) is exceeded ?

taken down.

Take point 2, 3 , 4 , 5 as example

Imagine we are at point 2. new pivot formed at point 2. thus our target VZ is 1 . 2 went to 1 (completed VZ). Then pivot 3 formed. now VZ is updated to go short to Point 2. However for Pivot 3 to form. it will take 2 candles to form it as u can see a large bearish candle. we wont able to see pivot 3 until the large bearish candle is formed. neverthe less it went to Point 2 and beyond.

Now at point 4, once 2 candles formed point 4 . our target VZ now is point 3. However it didnt go back to point 3. imagine we have a trade at point 4 and our final target is point 3. the price retraced and formed point 5. At this point, what are we gonna do ? do we close the trade at point 4 and look for short to point 4 as our new Target VZ ? or do we hold this trade executed at point 4 and keep our target VZ to be point 3.

Im trying to imagine what i would be thinking at each point as u can see the pivot only will be formed by 2 candles … thus but the time we see pivot formed the movement might have reached the target VZ we wanted.

Any broker that offers Mt-5.


Pivot nr.4 lead to pivot nr.5 . Now our next target would be pivot nr.4 again.
Now once a pivot is formed, price might retrace and give you a much better entry.
If you have the time, go through your charts mark down your weekly VZs and see what opportunities you had on lower TFs.


ok sure . taken down.

I’ll be away for holiday tonight!
I hope you will keep this thread alive and rake in those setups.


Have a good holiday Kasravi!

I’ll post any setups I take in this forum.


New to this thread but very excited. Completing due diligence and am reading the ENTIRE thread. Just wanted to say thanks for the work so far!

monday i couldnt find any setup. well the good old monday .