Thinking INSIDE the box

The war is at the spectator stage right now. Thrown out what I “thought” I knew in favour of a new approach. But I enjoy it nevertheless.

Interested to know who I’m supposed to be

[QUOTE=“Mideel;597995”]90 % of programmers aren’t competent too despite they claim that they are programmers. And I think the failure rate is a bit lower than 95 %, maybe around 80- 90 %. So all difficult and elite tasks or jobs can only be done by certain peoples, that’s why around 90 % of money in this world is controlled by only 5 % peoples, while the 95 % peoples can only have 10 % of the money, so pathetic but this nature is fair so that is the fairest thing… Average and common peoples will always stay in bottom and special peoples on top…[/QUOTE]

So only 10% of programmers make sustained profits? I’m guessing that it’s the opposite, and very few programmers can’t make a living from programming. This comparison to forex is absolutely flawed, like many of the others I’ve read. Let me guess, you think you play for the “special” team.

So I decided to add a few lines to the battle chart. First of all, purely for reference, I moved the chart time periods to show weekly advancements for either side. Then I placed a line at the furthest point north white got last week and a line at the point furthest south the red got. Ended up with this:

When I shift the battle view down to a 1 hour battle movement you can see the blue line at the bottom which represents last weeks furthest move down for red. Seems they can’t get a foothold past that point this week yet. They reached it on Mon but were pushed back up.

Only other lines I’ve drawn on the 1 hour battle charts is 3 yellow lines in Tue just to mark today’s commencement of battle (solid yellow line) and the highest and lowest advancements from yesterday (dotted yellow lines)

seems white tried to push up past the high point they reached on Mon, they made it through briefly but couldn’t hold the ground and were pushed down again.

Only other thing to note was that red released a statement on Mon at 3pm. They said ISM Manufacturing was worse than expected number. This announcement was marked “High Impact” on statement chart and as soon as they made it it let white drive up strongly.

Maybe this ISM Manufacturing is important. Better take note…

Red ISM Manufacturing…2nd day…High Impact…poor number makes white stronger.

Don’t know yet what to make of this yet, still watching. Clock now says “Wed 4th 22:55”. Will mark Wed commencement of battle on chart plus furthest North/South moves from Tue to see if boundaries hold again.

If you want to be profitable, you need to think OUTSIDE the box.

I am newbie and very profitable: I started learning forex in Babypips school by May 30 last year. Now I am making lots of money, doubling my equity every two months.

¿How I did it?

Well, once I visited a thread in this forum. It was a dead thread, the owner had abandoned it; in fact, he even deleted all his own posts in the thread.

Fortunately, I am a smart girl, and by using the CUCS I managed to figure out what he was teaching: I realized that I got to think outside the box.

So I forgot all the traditional and orthodox rules, like R/R ratio, stop loss, indicators, PA, etc.

And I started making huge profits.

I have a 50% ROI per month.

And this is because I learned to think OUTSIDE the box.

So, if you want to be profitable, break and throw away all the boxes (be it thinking box, music box, black box, storage box, packaging box, mail box, lunch box, sushi box, pizza box, caja de muerto (“dead box”, LOL, means “coffin”).

¡I am very grateful to the guy who showed me how to think OUTSIDE the box, in that dead thread!

Where’s the thread ?

I find myself needing to ask the same question as above. “What’s the thread?”

Also, Re: your message. No hablo Espanol.

EDIT: Yeah I know, this might make me really thick, but what is CUCS?

If you read the post its deliberately ambiguose. I wouldn’t read into it too much. It sounds at best like attention seeking.


What thread?


What trader constantly used very wide stops (not really stops as such since he manages each trade, more like a fail safe exit) and small targets (inverted R:R) which is outside the box that we are fed with?

What trader took about $1800.00 to $10,000 in about 5 or 6 months on these threads, showing each entry ‘live’?

What trader laughs at the idea of trading “Price Action” and forgetting all about what is happening in the world of economics?

What trader confronts the marketers , scammers and signal sellers and gets himself banned in the process?

Am I correct Beijin?

[B]Small correction 99, 999% unsuccessful in forextrading not 95%
[B]What is defined as success in Forex, !!

I guess the profits must be greater than a Mcdonalds salary!

The pain in the ass you’re referring to didn’t get hoofed because he exclusively confronted those categories. He was combative, confrontational & sarcastic to [B]everyone[/B] on the forum who didn’t agree with his viewpoint.

That’s the main reason he had a limited shelf life.
He doesn’t do himself any favors either by repeating the same mistakes each time he re-surfaces under his latest disguise.
Not what you’d describe as the trait of a particularly smart operator is it.

LOL - One thing he wasn’t though …one of torulf’s 99,999%

Mack raises a valid point, this often quoted 95% failure rate, a rate spoken of way back in R. Wyckoff’s time.

The thread title first interested me because I thought that maybe there would be a focus on learning ‘outside the box’.

The risk/reward ratio thing is an example - we are all taught the R:R rule, anyone who would dare to suggest otherwise usually gets short shrift by the experts and those in the know, unless that anyone could show positive results.

For me the key is the ‘thinking’ aspect, if I blindly follow the box teaching, without ever contemplating a different way then torulf’s numbers may well become reality.

“So if it IS mental, yet not necessarily intellectual, why do so many people fu*k it up so horribly”

I can not speak for any other person, but personally, my own mistakes are solely due to unfulfilled desires.

People fu*k it up because trading is open to absolutely everyone, from the unemployed guy using benefit money to open an account with, to the high flyer entrepreneurs who respect risk and reward and under stand logical thinking, which is what trading boils down too. Limit all account opening balances to $10k and you would soon see the win rate of accounts increase.

LOL! You are a genius!

BTW, I read one of your posts (concerning news trading, where you suggested three links), and I gave it a “like”.

I will ask you some questions about it in the next days.

Hi Mideel:

It will be useless for you to visit the thread.

Because the owner has deleted all the posts (in which he explained his technique).

Besides, you won’t be able to contact him, since he has been banned.


Hi brutus:

It will be useless for you to visit the thread.

Because the owner has deleted all the posts (where he explained his technique).

And you won’t be able to contact him, since he has been banned.


LOL! What are you talking about?

Did you mean Espa[B]Ñ[/B]ol?

¿Si no hablas español, por lo menos hablas francés como Jack? (I started speaking Spanish, because he was speaking French).

Ok, no Spanish. But may I write you in Mandarin (since you are able to read The Art of War, Sun Tzu)?

[B]The thread title is Atlantis.[/B]

Yeah I know you are thick, but hope you can find out what Atlantis means.

The point I suppose I’m trying to get at with the title (as you touch on with the[I] “anyone who would dare to suggest otherwise”
[/I] comment peterma is that what if we all try to think “outside the box”, as we are taught and ridiculed if we don’t…but actually don’t need to?

What if trading actually IS quite simple, relatively speaking of course, but we over complicate, over-jargonize and basically just fall under the spell of the army of bullshi**ers who try to make it seem so glamorously complicated and in order to either…

A. Sell us their bollocks trading method
B. Make themselves look more intelligent than they really are.
C. Sell us their bollocks trading method and try to make themselves look more intelligent than they really are.

What if, instead of succumbing to the self fulfilling prophecy of…“To succeed in this game you need to think outside the box”…which we fall for and then try to become too fancy for our own good…what we ACTUALLY need to do is think very firmly INSIDE the box by using simple, straightforward trading methods. What then???

ARE we guilty of over complicating the whole thing??