Just looked at in and, IMHO, its too messy, far too much going on for a noobie.
Why not look at something cleaner, Price Action or 3 Ducks /3 Little Pigs strategies which are all well covered here?
what ?? never heard of this before, can you please tell me more. Thanks
Look in the site search box.
Good luck
I started with $ 100 with a micro account in my debut and has leverage 1: 1000. it was a good experience for me Learning.
I’m a complete novice also. But the majority of your questions are relatively straight forward, you can find pretty much all of the answers on this site. You said you’ve done research, i’d suggest researching a bit more in depth before touching any real money trading.
I think every strategy is going to be a losing strategy until you get good at using it. I think the key is finding a style that you like (price action, support and resistance, harmonics, etc.) and then trade it constantly until you get good at it. Your rules will change over time as you get better and you do your testing but if you stick to a certain style you will get better at it.
Start with any system just to get your feet wet in DEMO. When I started I was testing maaaany systems from maaaany forums, system creators were making pips and I didnt, I didnt know what is happening. The thing was system creators did NOT trade their systems 100% mechanically(all indicators lined up as per rules=enter trade) there is always subjectivity, you see chart differently than me even on the same system!
To be profitable and learn trading you need chart screen time, that’s it. When you “stare” at screen long enough you will start noticing how price reacts, you will start to see and recognize pairs behavior, all of that will get stored in your brain and in time you WILL start to understand markets.
Some will say 1-2% per month is great, thats what top forex firms are making, some say 5% is unbelievable, when you start talking about xx-xxx% per month they tell you it isnt possible. I dont now how much top traders really make we cant really know. But take a look at this, if you start with $100 account and trade 0.01 lots(as per “rule”) and make 10pips($1) every day(lower time frame charts) you made 20% a month, if you can do this consistently, you can make a living from forex. If you want to be full time trader and financially independent - never give up. :57: