This Week's Question: Do You Ever Compare Yourself to Other Traders?

Copy trading is a popular strategy, and I have used it before. It’s a common technique among newbies.

Stop comparing yourself to others, because this will cause you psychological crises, and then you will feel frustrated, so you must work, then work, and surely there will be great results, and you will become like the people you want to compare yourself to. You just have to be patient because it is the key to success.

That’s more healthy rather than constantly comparing yourself with someone else. No two person are same thus no to trader will. but if you admire any feature of them you can just analyze it, plan for it and just do what it takes.

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The always you can see your biggest enemy in the mirror, but I can not help comparing.


Hell, yes. Especially my lucky friend.

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Perhaps the point is making yourself suffer unnecessarily :joy:

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Learning - yes, comparison - no. It’s a personal journey.