This Week's Question: What Are Your Actual Steps For Entering Trades?

I wish I know about the ritual and what to offer to the trading gods cause I need some divine signs. :stuck_out_tongue: Haha. But for me, Iโ€™m more comfortable checking my charts on my desktop. :open_mouth: I used to check Tradingview ideas a lot, but lately, I just focus on my chart and wait for my crossovers. I also try to check multiple time frames (although this is something I sometimes forget). :sweat_smile:

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Oooh. :open_mouth: Would you say youโ€™re more compatible with the stock market so far? :open_mouth:

Love the random steps. :joy: Hahaha. I had to read it over and over cause I thought I was missing something. :stuck_out_tongue:

we mostly miss learning forex before entering the market and in my personal experience I saw many traders entering the market just because they want to earn money quick on the market. So, this tendency should be deducted.

Yeah trading is whole other science, I myself went through. You should definitely do some research before entering a trade.