Thought-provoking quotes

Absolutely! We all have “leanings” in various directions like linguistic or spatial etc. that’s what makes us all interestingly different. But it doesn’t preclude us from achieving things in other fields if we persevere! :smiley:

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That is a beautiful thought. We could do with more of that in the world today! :slight_smile:

The only addition I would make would be that “and all losses refunded”. :smiley: But that is just me being a bit facetious! Thank you, it is a lovely quote! :+1:


“What makes the desert beautiful,’ said the little prince, 'is that somewhere it hides a well…”
― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry,

Sometimes making progress in trading feels like a blind trek through an endless bleak wasteland - but when you eventually find your well, your consistency, then it all becomes so worthwhile… perseverance pays :slightly_smiling_face:


If anyone doubts the validity of technical analysis as a means of identifying market moves, then take heart from this quote:

" “Truth is what you see. Opinions are what you hear." ― Matshona Dhliwayo

In a trading sense, “opinions” here includes one’s own opinions, too. Oh how often in the past I have wanted to do something that was not reflected in what I was seeing in the charts at the time. But the charts reflect what the vast majority is doing right now - regardless of what I might think myself. What would you rather trade: what I think - or what everyone else is doing? :slightly_smiling_face:


Nice quote! We often get caught up arguing over which method is best. Meanwhile someone else, using the same method, is making money. Do we wanna spend time arguing and persuading others, or studying and learning how to make money?

I’ll say this much: convincing others that I’m right won’t help me make the slightest profit from trading.

Absolutely! :smiley:

However, turning it around, we could say that "the market convincing us that it is right will help us make a profit from trading" - and good TA is all we need to tell us what the market is saying.

Personally, I find this an eternal dilemma. I only enjoy trading markets that interest me and that means I follow what is happening in those markets in general. But that inevitably means I also form a personal view on these products. For example, how Fed policy and the upcoming US presidential elections will affect the US economy/stock markets.

But my views, and particularly the timing of my views, are often contradictory to what the markets are doing. It is never easy to think one thing and do the opposite!! :rofl: