Tips for newbie to start forex

I wasnt saying your opinions are rubbish just the way it was written. I apologise if i offended you. I think this is the great thing with trading. Everyone has different opinions and there is no right or wrong answer. A demo account worked for you and i never used one myself and we both are doing ok! All we can do is share are experiences with other traders and let them make an informed decision. Anyways good luck to you as well.

Spot on James.thanks for the reply ,good luck to you Mate.:slight_smile:

Ahh, but the trick is in getting them to listen but unfortunately, the huge majority has stars in their sight, fall for the snake oil and restā€¦we know.

Since iā€™m engaged in forex trading for long period of timeā€¦so, I would like to share my knowldedge and expertise hereā€¦First of all Forex has caused large losses to many inexperienced and undisciplined traders over the years. So you have to be careful before indulging in this type of tradingā€¦

"Like to gain in profit in trading, you must make recognize the markets. To recognize the markets, you must first know and recognize yourself. The first step of gaining self-awareness is ensuring that your risk tolerance and capital allocation to forex and trading are not excessive or lacking. This means that you must carefully study and analyze your own financial goals in engaging forex trading.

Thanks, hoping this information may helpful to you guys. :13:

Trading forex comes with risk and so as a beginner and so you do not have to rush into forex with your real money. You have demo for sometime and have a real and deep understanding of forex. Then when going into live account trading you should start with money you can afford to lose so that when you lose it will not have much effect on your emotion and on the other way round can help in increasing your trading experience.

Start with the school here at baby pips, Itā€™s great to learn and get going in forex. Than establish a system you want to trade, than DEMO that system for about 3 months and once you get Iā€™d say 2 months of consecutive positive results, Iā€™d go live account. Demo a lot because that is where you will see the mistakes you make and what not to do. Like many others here said over trading is huge to lose money, a lot of people do fail because of this. You will hit milestones along the way but it is all part of the learning process. Never give up and keep at it and YOU WILL get it. Donā€™t jump the gun ever, be patient. The market isnā€™t going anywhere, just your money is. Only enter trades if you are very confident it will win ( while demoing it is OK to enter as many trades as youā€™d like, because its fake money and if the trades lose you can learn from them.) Keep a strong stomach you will need it to start for sure. NEVER NEVER NEVER let your emotions do the trading for you, donā€™t trade when sad or angry etcā€¦ IT WILL effect your trading. Everyone here will help you plenty as needed, donā€™t be afraid to ask questions.

Happy trading,


Dont even start if u cant put in many hours of chart and learning time. if that becomes more of a chore than enjoyment, then forex probably not right for u.
Keeping emotions in check is probably the hardest thing for new traders, that and over trading and too large of trades.

Risk and reward are each related at every business but so many people see the forex trading just in reward business , no more about the risk that will happen , so many of them join here as newbie to do trade as speculative and not understanding fully about forex business work and risk that will face

Risk and reward are each related at every business but so many people see the forex trading just in reward business , no more about the risk that will happen , so many of them join here as newbie to do trade as speculative and not understanding fully about forex business work and risk that will face

hi am new too and thanks a lot, am checking out the site now