Top 10 Trading Tips for Beginners

I totally agree with these 10 trading tips. Thanks for sharing.

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As a beginner trader, a trader needs to do a lot of research on trading. First, he has to practice the demo and always do the analysis in the daily time frame. You have to trade with a positive mindset. You have to keep a long time target with patience and move forward in trading. You have to manage discipline and trade. He has to do regular meditation.

I agree with all these guidelines. Good that you shared. It’ll be helpful for many new traders.

That’s good. Exploring the field and finding out what suits you the best is the first thing any trader should do. Glad you cracked it.


Those are some good points, Thanks for sharing.

Every new trader should practice properly before entering into the real market. The best way to learn forex properly is the demo account. almost every trader starts their career from a demo account.

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Definitely a good read.

Great Tips, Thanks

I would also agree that these are good tips not only for beginners, but also older traders should read it from time to time. Especially part about risk management

This would really helpful for the beginners and you have covered almost everything.

You should take your time to learn. You may not love the idea of learning forex for a whole year before you actually begin trading but is is for the best results. Do tno in any way rush through your acquisition of knowledge of forex because it will affect you in the long run. Think of it as a topic in school that you have to pass no matter what.

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Always remember that there are risks in forex. Forex is not just a win game. As much as you can make a lot of men in a single day you also need to know that you can lose a lot of money in a day or even all of your money if you let your emotions take control of you. Trade with a clear mind and good decisions.

As a beginner yous should always believe in yourself first before you believe in anyone oles. You need to find out what is true and what is not true on your own terms and into the terms that other trainers set for you. As you are a trader, so are they. You need to be confident in your decisions.

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You should always be sure of something and think about the possible consequences before you do it. Forex is all about risks and any rash decision hat yamamay be the cause of your downfall in forex. Always trade with a plan and calculate your decision before you put them into effect. It matters a lot.

Thank you for sharing such guidances. Well noted.

Another tips from my side will be determine your risk tolerance.


That a much underrated thing among traders, I myself realized its importance after I lost a couple of times.

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the explanation about patience and discipline was really awesome , because not only trading life but also need this two habits in real life.

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When i started trading in the Forex markets i was not having the patience in my trading. But later on as i moved i started to do trades with Full Control.