Tracking institutional fund flow

Hi all. :wave:

Are there any tools available that make it possible for an FX retail trader to track institutional fund flow on an intraday basis?

A quantitive analyst by the name of Bir Zos on quora eluded to a €10million system that he developed for banks and hedge funds to define “turning points” in the market using order flow information from institutional buyers. He also eluded to a retail version of this app Working on similar principles. I’ve attached a link below to the article. His response is in the first comment to another users question.

In my experience of trading thus far, I have not come across that level of transparency regarding order flow.
It seems too good to be true. My thinking is that if it were possible, the average retail trader would move with the market 99% of the time with a level of accuracy not seen before.

Would love to hear everyone’s opinion on the above.

Best Regards