Traders - Warning!

I have read quite a few of gg’s posts and I have to say I am baffled by ff’s actions.

They list 8 items of code of conduct to be adhered to, I didn’t find a single instance that could be construed as breaking their rules let alone “persistent or severely” doing so.

Item V11 is perhaps the vaguest of all their rules and perhaps reflects a certain bias.

Anyways, always onwards and upwards, as I said earlier, this is the number one place for learning, everything down to experience - my favourite saying “we live and we learn”.

I’ll moved to North Korea and I will look for a mentor who can teach me how to " hack" on the internet sites!


Time to time. We just started to make the world aware of the problem… :wink:

Well, basically that’s what we did.
I’m glad that you start to see our point.


Yep…just willing to open eyes and mind of people. We don’t ask more. We got already burned and dont’ wanna other fall in their trap.

Semantics, my friend. The brokers and other large financial backers of these sites will not come out and say “Oh, and by the way, brokers and other interests actually drive this site, so if you do anything they don’t like, you’ll get squashed”. Much like the mob saying they are “businessmen” and indeed their names are on the titles of legitimate business…but it is still the mob calling the shots.

Anyway, there are already posters here trying to derail this thread which is as simple as they come: gg started this thread to relate experiences had at FF. That’s it.

To those having problems with THIS thread:
Explain this specifically, as stated by gg:

  • 10 UNRELATED posters had their threads closed on the same day, for unspecified reasons
  • these threads discussed very similar topics
  • these posters had no relation to each other other than the ideas being discussed
  • the threads were VERY popular.
    Go on, explain that. Try to stay on topic.

I admit that it’s a mystery why these guys were terminated from FF. But the alleged reason given throughout this tread, basically that they were on the verge of discovering some 99.99% accurate system which would inconvenience the brokers who sponsor FF it’s laughable. In my view it’s a sign of paranoia and not having a proper understanding of how markets work. If I were the kind of bad broker that supposedly has such a great power in influencing FF, I would welcome traders who seek 99.99% accuracy, because they are on a money losing journey.

It is one of the theory (not the only one). Personally speaking, i think there is a commistion of underground interstest between some brokers (maybe even part of the FF managment), some senior members and FF high floors. Also the “protect members from scammers” (using maybe some senior members in good faith) is also a possible usable tactic to arise the “shouting crowd” of the so many members not too geniuses (always in need to vent against something)…pulling them to believe their scamming conspiracy theory against some undesiderable ones (the banned)…and pulling them to hit the REPORT button against those (now banned) dudes, at every whisper of the wind…
But this is just my brainstorming…i hope that bringing all this mess to the public opinion as we JUST started to do it, will make the whole real truth arising. :slight_smile:
In any case food for the mind, i think …they dont’ wanna give us answers, but after or before they WILL, be sure! :wink:

Glad you informed us. I am a registered member of that site and if they are doing dirty dead’s I don’t want any part of it, but that is to bad, they have or had some good info there. Having your own web site might be a good idea, that way you can control all the content and not worry about someone deleting information.

I didn’t claim that I know FF motivation or any other conspiracy theories.

My point is very clear:
FF did many of us WRONG.

On top of it - there was no warning.
On top of that - there was no response from FF to many queries as to “why?”

So, watch out !
You can build yourself a name, friends, reputation after investing many hours - and all that goes down the drain overnight, along with your work, and in that process - they tarnish your name as scammer.

The issue is as simple as that.


this isn’t twitter… Lol

Things to ponder:

  • Maybe FF isn’t sponsored by big money interests…maybe it’s OWNED by them
  • nothing is “laughable” when you consider the absolutely staggering $$ involved
  • there must be two sides to every trade: a buyer and a seller. If we are all on the same side, it doesn’t work. THIS would jeopardize big money’s interests as they are other side of most trades.

Just food for thought. Nothing proved. But certainly VERY plausible.
Just like people not believing that big pharmaceutical companies could be messing with advancements in health care…until they discover that these companies are making 10s of BILLIONS of dollars selling their drugs to [I]control[/I] our ailments but not actually [I]curing[/I] them…then a new light is shed.
Just food thought. It’s not impossible, that’s all.
And…for dessert, I guess :wink: … weren’t there a number of high roller traders/companies just fined billions of dollars for forex price fixing? Something that was thought to be impossible considering the magnitude of the forex market? Yup, as a matter of fact, they were.
So is this nonsense with FF “laughable”? I say no, I say it’s very likely.


I very much like to stick to the core issue.
FF motivations, conspiracies, etc. is not relevant - although interesting.

FF did WRONG to many of us - their motivation remains obscure, since they gave no warning, reason, explanations - basically no response at all.

I’d like to stay on that ground, and not sail away to fantasy or La-La land.
Just stay focused on the main issue.


I’ve been debating responding to your post but it has been bothering me since I read it.
All other issues aside, gg and the others had their voices silenced without noted cause. Your response is “don’t sweat the small stuff”. People have died for the right to speak freely, and as a former soldier of 15 years, I find your comment so very highly offensive. If people can’t speak freely, you have nothing.

To the others of this thread, I apologize for this side track and assure you I will stay on topic in the future.

Yeah, I’d say gg is correct. It’s most likely somebody over there were the conspiracy theorists, maybe sparked off by a smelly poster.

Often in business, when you consider yourself to be on top, the ‘king’ so to speak, then confidence turns into an extremely negative and dangerous trait - it becomes arrogance.

When arrogance encroaches into an organisation’s behaviour then that organisation will fail - I’m sure most of you can think of a company who were regarded as the ‘leader’, then didn’t stay focussed, now they are gone.

Gg, I have now read most of your thread, it’s interesting stuff, not really how I view the market, but it’s one big market with many, many views, and it’s another aspect of learning - so well done on the amount of effort put in.

You are longer here than most of us but nonetheless welcome back :slight_smile:


Thanks for your kind words.
And thanks for offering a “homeless refugee” a new home… ;-}


You’re mixing apples with oranges here…what does your pharmaceutical example has to do with anything ? It is logical that their main interest is profit so they might not take the shortest way in curing disease, yes. It is also logical that brokers’ main interest is profit. But the likeness stops here. There’s no proof whatsoever that these guys were, are or will ever be a threat to their business. By your logic all the posters in Systems section who think they are on the verge of discovering the holy grail should be terminated.

As long everyone keeps doing the same things, they will get the same results so all the systems, being rehashes of the same things over and over, are no threat. Outside of the box is where the problem lies.
Anyway, I won’t be debating this issue any further.

gg: did all of you from FF move to the new site? What are their thoughts about this happening again in the future. Is there a way to protect against it?

[QUOTE=“Bacon Makes It Better;674207”]

As long everyone keeps doing the same things, they will get the same results so all the systems, being rehashes of the same things over and over, are no threat. Outside of the box is where the problem lies.

There is no “outside the box” in this market. You have giant multi-billion dollar institutions which hire the cream of the crop to work full time on proprietary trading systems. We are talking phd’s in mathematics quality individuals devoting 40 to 60 hours a weeks for years on end. Nothing on the retail side is going to come close to producing anything like they can, or anything that hasn’t already been produced already. No one is afraid of retail traders, furthermore all a broker needs to do is directly offset their best performing clients with positions in the interbank system so they (the broker) remains position neutral and makes a killing on the spread. Contrary to what most think, brokers want retailers to do well as they make their money on the spread while largely remaining market neutral on clients positions.