Trading and FOMO - Fear of Missing Out

How has your experience been after meditating for so long?

Meditation can remove the negative points of the brain. Scientifically proven meditation work twice as fast. Meditation helps a lot to increase attention.

Decision making capability has improved alot i must say.

Meditation has helped a lot too.

Phew. PFE now is at $50. Back in November 2020, that was in the $40s, still not bad! Hope you held!

I guess that fomo is quite spread issue of all people not only traders. We always fear of missing out some opportunities in order because of our thinking that we will never have such opportunity in our life. In my opinion this fear might to be fought as well as any other kind of fear. I believe that it can be fought only by practicing, you know. So, you have to do something you fear of, for example open a position which seems to you not very appropriate, but inner sense tells you to do that. In major cases it will work I think. If you fear to close a trade because you think that the price soon will be higher, then you have to close it regardless your beliefs.

In life, we’ve heard that one should take the oppurtunities when they come & it’s the FOMO, which is enabling us to take those, without being complacent. But, trading always gives us other chances. We can enter at better prices or there’s always another trade & so FOMO is not required in trading.

Even I feel FOMO while trading on my demo but I always make sure to convert it into JOMO :grinning:

Guy if u want to help ur self with fomo try using a stop orders In a safe entry point.