Trading Concepts of BUYING & SELLING

Hi everyone

Just need a better understanding of buying and selling one comes across a platform.

Its really bugging me and I do feel I’m not seeing something properly.

When one

goes long - buying the base currency and selling the counter currency (buy low , sell high)
you want the the rate to decrease

goes short - buying the counter currency and selling the base currency (sell high )
you want the rate to increase

Am I getting it right by any chance?

My apologies in advance if this is really a noob question lol

You got it wrong.

Let’s take EURJPY for example,

This is today’s EURJPY daily chart.
Current price is 130.003. I’m expecting EURJPY to be bearish, so i sell EURJPY at 130.003 .
My target is 129.800
My stop loss is 130.200
Either i lose 20pip or gain 20pip.

130.003 is a Price index of EURJPY.
base currency EUR value goes down
and value of JPY goes up.

When you short (sell), you want the rate to decrease.

Thank you alphahavoc for the explanation .

so sell short - you want the rate to decrease ( you buy counter currency and sell base currency)

buy long - you want the rate to increase ( you buy base currency and sell counter currency)

Hi perse15 :slight_smile: you may find useful reading the following topic: How much do units cost? Clint has explained it great but if the abstract point of view is easier for you to understand you can stick with it :wink:

really good explanation ! Thanks alot eyedfondue :slight_smile: