Trading discussion

Hello forex community, my name is Jayden Neal. My main reasoning on me getting into trading was simply me realizing that we are in a matrix. Everything In our lives has been overpowered and I’m willing to sacrifice any and everything that is in the way of me escaping this trap. I recently graduated and I had no clue as to what I wanted to do after. I knew that I didn’t want to go to college and work a 9-5 to keep the economy running. I had a friend introduce me into forex. I started in IML academy and realized that they just market and then I left and from there I started making my money by myself. So far I’m in profit from when I started but I need a little more information before I blow my account. Doing a little research I came across this platform and here I am.

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Oh nice! How much are you now up by? :open_mouth:

Hi and welcome, many go through IML before ending up here when they realise it’s more about marketing

Firstly, welcome to BabyPips. Here you will find a lot of tools to get up wherever you want to be. I too found this platform (when my mentor showed me) and to this day it is such an invaluable resource.

You could go through their School of Pipsology which will teach you the basics of trading but I will say there is a lot of things they leave out, this may be better for the individual as you will learn/pick up a lot of knowledge through experience. But yes, I definitely recommend dedicated some time to the course and always use the forums when you need help or want some specific info.

BabyPips also offers calculators and market tools which are simplistic but very effective, here are some websites I use daily:

There is a lot more to becoming a succesful trader then FOREX, keep that in mind. My last piece of advice would be to have a system in place if you would like anymore help just message me :slight_smile: