Trading Goals or Objectives for 2022

Hi everyone,

It’s a new year, time to hypothetically swipe the slate clean. Aside from making a profit in 2022 what are some of your specific trading goals this year?

I’m looking to;

  1. validate some of my trading strategies pertaining to the use of different indicators and overlays
  2. spend less time performing chart and candlestick analysis by paying more attention to trend analysis with strength and momentum as a key driver
  3. and of course, becoming more profitable! :partying_face:
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Hmm. :thinking: For me, my number 1 goal would be to try and spend more hours trading. :sweat_smile: I’ve been working a lot on the side and I usually just take 1-3 trades a month! I’m happy with even just small wins for my coffee expenses. :sweat_smile: But I’ll try to make up for it this year.

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Hey Rose,
How are you?
Finding any interesting pairs to trade recently?
Seems to me like the more I learn the worse my trading outcomes so far this year.