I hit up the chat. But I also have a few trading partners who I chat with and bounce ideas off. But don’t forget to have a life away from the screen. As soon as I am done trading I am out of the office like a kid hearing the school bell.
Good to know you have a life! I trade during london hours which basically is from mid day till night for me.
Ok maybe i should to join some chat groups and hear what other traders are thinking. But usually i lurk at babypips refreshing threads after a while. pathetic i know.
I spend intimate time with my girlfriend while watching the market.
I also smack someone who is near me across the face when I’m bored (while watching the markets only).
You can catch entire seasons of shows on Hulu. I watched the entire season 1 of Wilfred and Louie while I was trading back in March. Got me through the week.
you are connected to the WWW and you dont know how to kill time?
My favorite has been www.solarmovie.eu
I cant remember the last time I paid to watch a movie.
Than there is youtube. Most of discovery and history channels interesting programs are available there. Off lately History channel has fallen off a little with shows such as Deadliest Roads etc etc…I mean who would want to watch a bunch of guys driving a truck up and down an unpaved road? But otherwise there is plenty. The science shows are always mind boggling.
If I need more entertainment I look up the Malaysian political scene. You can find pure racists, bigots, sexists, corruption, religious fundos, mangy dogs, monkeys and outright crazies. If that still does not satisfy me than there is always trolling.