Trading is haram or not?

Forex on live accounts with live CFDs are pretty much seen as haram by majority of people of knowledge. Brokerage websites or financial websites say they’re halal however lack evidence from knowledgeable people rather they say “some scholars” without referencing any. Live CFDs are a zero sum game, one person directly loses when one person wins. That is what it makes haram according to a lot of scholars.

On the other hand Funded Halal which is less spoken about in terms of being halal/haram, is seen as halal by a lot of people. But go to a person of knowledge about funded accounts.

To conclude stay away from Live accounts, do some research on funded.

Forex trading by private retail traders is betting on the fluctuation of exchange rates. It is not buying and selling of assets or goods.

If anyone has to ask whether gambling is permitted by their religion or not, then maybe they are not true followers of their religion.

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I think people are really asking is forex gambling. Most people refer to it as trading, but you’re not trading in any traditional measure of the word.

If you were trading futures, then that would be considered trading because at the end of the contract you’d receive whatever you’re trading should you not close it out.

Forex is certainly gambling, but there are obviously two types of gambling. Religious authorities might need to be more clear about what they actually object to.

For muslims there are swap-free type of accounts that comply with Sharia law. Receiving interest is prohibited yes, but making money from currency fluctuations is not. This is all you need to know I guess.