Trading Journal for CryptoCurrency

"Hey everyone,

I’m relatively new to trading and I’ve heard that keeping a trading journal is super important for improving and analyzing my trades. I was wondering if anyone here could recommend a good free Excel file trading journal template that I could use? I’ve been trying to find one online, but there are so many options and I’m not sure which one would be the best fit for me.

Ideally, I’d like something that’s easy to use and covers all the essential aspects of trading, like entry and exit points, trade duration, risk management, and maybe even some basic analytics. Any suggestions or recommendations would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance for your help!"


Why not just make your own?

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This is what I use

i really think that the file should be created by the trader and also working with excel is not an effort. check utube and you will learn what you need to do that. if you faced any questions, DM me and i will help you with that.

I can’t believe this is a real thing! How crazy!

gotcha thanks

thank you very much…

Hellooo. :blush: Maybe there’s something you can find useful here? :smiley: I think it’s specifically for forex but maybe it can be some sort of basis? :blush:

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Hi Ria this is very helpful thank you very much…

Have you looked at Free, covers a lot of what you’re looking for. Been using it for like 2+ years.

For crypto I now use both Coinmarketcap and Coingecko - for two different portfolios. I find this necessary because it is nigh on impossible to trade cryptos using one account. I find myself using 3 or 4 exchanges because most of the tokens I want to trade do not exist on the main exchanges.

Go to Coingecko - my portfolio: and create a new portfolio. Then log in to your portfolio using Free Crypto Portfolio Tracker - CoinGecko where abcdef is your portfolio number.
Choose “add coin” and type (example) WIF (Dog Wif Hat). Complete the quantity and unit cost to be bought, and use the notes cell to add your reason to buy. You can always modify the notes as your trade proceeds. See screen shot below for example. When you come to sell the app maintains a record of your transactions for each token bought and sold, and your notes remain in your portfolio.
