Trading News

For sometime I had heard that trading news is too risky. Is that true? I had done it in a few occassions, and it was ok, for me, so why they said that?

“Risky” is a relative term. If you don’t know what you’re doing then jumping out of an airplane is risky, but if you have the right equipment and the proper training it’s pretty safe… :slight_smile:

It’s the same with trading the news. Like anything else it’s only risky if you don’t know what you’re doing… and most people (including me) don’t know what they’re doing when it comes to trading news.

Learn how to trade the news properly and it’s just as valid of a trading strategy as anything else, it’s just harder then most trading methods.

Clicking that link is risky!

Its the same thing that people say about leaving trades open over the weekend. The unpredictability increases your risk, just look at what happened the past few days with EUR/USD. Sucks for anyone in a short trade, that just reaffirmed to me why I don’t trade news if possible and don’t trade over the weekend. The craziest things can happen.