Trading school - Show initial set up etc

Does anyone have a “Trading School” recommendation that is actually interacting with instructor and students (like a physical class room or online webinar etc.)? I have been through pipology and that was very helpful and great learning but as a newby I learn better by interactive with people and could ask my newby dumb questions (I have no shame) instead of spend hours and hours trying to figure out something very minor or figure out how to even start…

Goes without saying that I am willing to pay reasonable fee.

Thank you,


I think it’s a good idea to ask your questions here, people are going to help you… :wink:

Also, I don’t know any school like this, but I’m pretty sure there should be some out there…

Anyway, what do you expect from a school? To teach you how to be profitable? Or you just want to ask some questions?

Actually there is nothing specific trading school, any learning approach can be your trading school if you concentrate regularly, just focused on learning activates and acquire real knowledge and experience about trading.