Trading the Trend with Strong Weak Analysis

Keep an eye on EURUSD, after a pullback it looks ready to challenge last years high. I am staying long this one for a long-term hold

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New Zealand held firm for the week but strong finish for Euro, US dollar remains weak

Top SW Trades AUDUSD and NZDUSD finished week just below +100 pips, I will watch for these to continue to move higher even if they lose their top spots, but it is EURUSD that I am most excited about , more on that in next post

I told you last Thursday to watch for a breakout in EURUSD and we had the breakout on Friday, big 170 pips move. EURUSD was top trade of 2017, no reason we could not see another +1500 pip move in 2018, I am staying long this one


Hi Dennis, I don’t follow that many forums, but I have been following yours. Great job on the content, and thanks for sharing.


Semi-Holiday here in the US so markets did not move a whole lot, US dollar weakness is still the play

Top SW trades AUDUSD and NZDUSD topped the +100 pip mark, and bonus trade EURUSD is up +250 pips already this month

Profits are here for the taking

A small pullback in our Top Trades, a little weakness in NZD and AUD, CHF had a little rally. Nother to suggest any of our trends are reversing.

Record day for US stocks sent the Yen lower but oddly the US dollar rallied. Still our Top SW Trades hit some new highs before pulling back.

AUDUSD + 196 Pips
NZDUSD + 134 Pips

looks like all the currencies gained ground against both the Yen and US Dollar, no new highs for our Top Trades but both AUD and NZD recovered nicely from Wednesday’s small reversal. I have seen a lot of calls for a stronger US dollar but so far that has not happened, Until something changes, we will stay the course and bet against the dollar

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While most the market was moving sideways, our Top Trade AUDUSD manage to top +200 pips on Friday before reversing and finishing with a little pinbar reversal, With Friday’s action I would expect we could see a pullback in AUDUSD early part of the new week, but nothing to suggest a trend change.

I urge everyone to have your own trading plan and know in advance when to take profits, for me, taking some profits at the 200 pips mark is a must


New Zealand back on top but the Pound had the big day, GBPUSD has a beautiful long-term up-trend, Going long GBPUSD for a long-term buy makes sense here

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Good day for the Yen but our Top Trade NZDUSD hit a new high and bonus trade EURUSD looks ready to breakout

Look how Top Trade AUDUSD pulled back to and held the 200ma on the 1hr chart. You can keep your Bollinger bands, Fib levels, and any other indicator. I will take a simple 200 moving average over all of them


Hi Dennis,

I really enjoy your system on currency strength analysis and have learned a ton from following you. I understand the importance if the 200 Moving Average. Could you elaborate on the significance of the 34 MA?

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On the daily chart the 34 ma is a proxy for the 4hr chart 200ma


All of my Top Trades are breaking out to new highs, lots to talk about tonight

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An absolutely amazing week Dennis!

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Wow! so much to talk about, First GBP had a huge move today, On Monday I had recommended going long GBPUSD, had taken the trade you would have enjoyed a +250 pip move today. I will update the other Top Trades in the next post

NZD has just suffered a large “fall from grace” on a News Release… 50+ pips / 1hour

Here are the other three current Top SW Trades

First up is AUDUSD, still trending higher and topping the +250 pip mark

NZDUSD hit new high before finishing with an ugly looking Pinbar reversal, I would not want to hold after such a reversal

and finally EURUSD, yesterday I said this was ready to break out and today it happens, Now up over 400 pips for the month

including GBPUSD so far this month we have had 4 Top SW Trade buy signals to bring in a total of +1183 pips. That is a whole year of work for a lot of traders, we did it spending just a few minutes each night and never broke a sweat

Strong Weak Analysis is the way to swing trade FOREX

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Yes, a nasty Pinbar reversal on the daily chart, which is a lesson in why you need to lock in profit, I like to take profits in half my position at 200 pips and let the rest run with a break-even stop, but after that pinbar closing out is not a bad move


I closed out at 205!