Trading the Trend with Strong Weak Analysis

Just a day of pullbacks and market tightening

Another day, more pullbacks and market tightening. If this low volatility in FOREX is putting you to sleep, there is a lot of good action in Tech Stocks and Bitcoin.

when I first got into FOREX 6+ years ago, 1000+ pip moves in a month were common, not so much anymore.

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Yen grows in strength and we have a new Top SW Trade, JPYAUD, this is in a pretty good downtrend. we will use todays close of 84.67 for tracking

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No video this week as I am about to leave on vacation, so this will be my last post until next weekend, here are my latest SW rankings, as you can see not much changed from last Friday, EURO and Yen swap places and rest of the market just tighten up. EURAUD is a new TOP SW Trade. But if you are already playing EURNZD you may not want both as they are about the same trade. EURO remains top currency YTD, not that the Euro is doing that great it is just that everyone else sucks more.

Everyone have a great week, don’t make any trades I would not and I will catch you in a week


Have a good holiday Dennis!

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Back from vacation and ready for the Santa rally, Good week for the Pound, No new trades just new highs in some old trades


GBP hangs on to the top spot but is pulling back in early Tuesday trading

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Another day of consolidation, that has been the pattern this year

Stong move in Yen with weakness in CAD and AUD

I am not doing a whole lot of Forex trading right now as most of my attention has been on Bitcoin, just today we saw Bitcoin blow throw 12,000 then 13,000 and now is about 14,000 this is the most insane price run I have ever been a witness too.

Join the conversation at the tread below,

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Bounce back day for the Pound, but that was small potatoes compared to todays run in Bitcoin

Top Strong Weak Trade GBPAUD did give us over 300 pips for the week, other then that not a whole lot happening in Forex as most everyone is looking at Bitcoin


Strong Weak rankings for Monday, good day for NZD

We have a new sheriff in town as New Zealand goes from worse to best, NZDCAD is our new top SW trade, not one I normally trade but I will track it at today’s close price

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This is just mind blowing… I’m new here. I just had to make an account just to say thank you. Been following the Top versus bottom for three days now and won everyone. Mega pips…

One thing is though just because say GBP is the top and Aud is the bottom as it has been doesnt mean the GBP will go up. I have been using a custom currency strength meter to alert me which one is weak and which one is strong.

Even when the GBP was the highest and AUD the lowest. My currency meter alerted me to a big down day… Well yes it did. The AUD was alot stronger that day to the GBP.

I take Dennis’s top and bottom and wait until one is very strong and the other very weak.

What amazes me is that the pair either up or down is one of the biggest movers on the day. Well so far as been testing it.

Just amazing and massive thanks Dennis. Now I can just have one trade a day but with a high success.

Please keep posting.



Top SW trade NZDCAD scored 94 pips on its first full day as our Top Trade, good start as it has been a long time since we had a fresh new trade to talk about

Congrats Neil, love to hear all the ways different traders on making money using my rankings


Watching for a pullback on NZDCAD to get in long.

I’ve entered into a NZDCAD long.

4hr showing some consolidation and no real further movement lower. Entered with a stop of 50pips below the structure point.

Sharing a NZDUSD trade i’ve also entered after a pullback on the daily to structure. 1:1R of 80pips. Chart is 4hr