Trading with Anxiety

Yes, these emotions are a big problem for traders, especially for the newbies. Gradually one understands how to avoid them, practice is what makes you handle it well.

Its okay to be anxious. It happens with every beginner. Honestly it happens with me also . However I am able to control myself most of the times.

Agreed. During these times it is better to introspect, relax and then come back in trading with a calm mind.

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Buddy, it takes time to learn! Not an easy process!

I agree. If one is anxious to the point where it totally clouds their judgement though it turns into a problem.

I agree. It ainā€™t easy.

Thatā€™s right! Its not easy at all.

With the proper mindset, you will get over it. :slightly_smiling_face:

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And some self-control will help you get through it in a better way.

It takes time but you will gradually get over it.

I believe that in your situation, you donā€™t have to worry much about your emotional state. It is quite reasonable that you are nervous and afraid. It all goes with wholesale and time. The main thing for you now is to decide for yourself what exactly causes your fear. If the problem is a possible failure, then reconfigure yourself, take good luck on the contrary with the positive and as a new experience. And as you have written before, you have situations when you are completely relaxed. In this case, analyze why you are so calm, and perhaps you will find the key to your balance in trading.

Trading with anxiety or with any other emotions leads to not the best consequences. It is especially common for beginners who are very worried about losses. Therefore, I always advise beginners to open a demo account or trade with small deposits in order to get used to losses and calculate risks more cold-bloodedly.

there is no way to control emotions completely, because its very common human nature , you just have to try always maintain it by means of meditation and practice.

I think that, as humans, it is impossible for us to completely detach emotions from trading as long as there is real money involved. However, formulating a solid trading plan and maintaining a journal to track progress helps in controlling emotions to some extent.

It look like you just type this for me.:point_up:

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Aw, itā€™s a problem many traders have sometimes, myself included.

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I know, emotions!!

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True, haha.
I generally am a pretty anxious person, and the current pandemic is not helping it at all. Trading hasnā€™t been easy in recent months. :frowning:

I can understand and you are not alone.

This is very interesting and can be very helpful. Thank you for sharing this.