Tradingview and broker different candlesticks and closing prices

Hi all,

A complete newbie here. Have a CMC demo account (Uk broker) and have been using trading view for my charts. My question is there is a difference in the closing price of the currency pairs between the charts on the two platforms and also some variation in the candlesticks. Is this due to tradingview using New York 5 day closing and the broker perhaps not. If so, do I just use trading view for general anaylsis and the brokers charts as my actual entry/exit values?

Many thanks for any input :slight_smile:

  • If your commission is integrated into the spread it will affect the price on which basis the chart is drawn. Differently padded spreads will make a slightly different looking chart.
  • Daily bars or above will be affected by the timezone. A 1day bar that ends with NY close or one that ends somewhere within the Australian session is, obviously, quite a difference.
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