Traits of a Successful Trader

The key is always have faith and belief that you can do anything and take the steps how to get there. You can do anything whatever you set your mind to. Yap, 2 of my girlfriends already done the skydiving. They have pictures and videos to proved it. I just wanted to do it at least once so I can say “yap, I did it!” Then moved on to the next one…

I think that is a very good post PnR. I agree with you 100%

Been a while since any posts in here so I’m just giving it a bump. I’m sure traders will benefit from the videos back in the first post. Some of that stuff really stuck with me in my mental approach and my trading has been close to perfection lately.

Funny how trading attracts people initially because it appears to be an easy way to make money. Turns out being consistent is one of the biggest challenges you will ever take on in your life. Enjoy the vids. :slight_smile:

I was wondering why there is no action on this thread :slight_smile: Is there any more videos to come?

definitely you have to stick to your own rules/trading system, but that’s impossible due to human nature

Impossible? Wow, definitely not. Get rid of the fear.

Maybe cause there’s no live trade calls or “Price Action” in the title. Maybe we should flame lol.

I’ll try to find some more good nuggets to post.

Yea, it’s so lame lol…

I guess only few people wants to know the “traits of a successful trader”. Oh we’ll… But I will keep an eye on this thread :slight_smile:

Interesting stuff, like everything from you!
pinned your best sentences on my desk! these words are like a therapy for me…

[B]If you don’t believe in the deep recesses of your mind that you deserve success, you will find a way to fail. The subconscious is a powerful thing.


sorry for double post but this is a nice one for me, too!

Power of Choice & Creativity - YouTube

It all boils down to knowledge, acquiring it and applying it.

Nice posts.

Yes a good trader should be smart and srrong by mind because all decisions are made by mind, If he loose his patience he can loose his trade. He should have good quaities of patience , hard work and discipline so that he can work well with forex market.

Right trading is not easy task it requires proper trading skills and strong mentality with lots of patience so that trading become easy for the trader and can achieve their goals of earning good and consistent profit.

Just relaxing at home tonight and decided to revisit this thread.

The cool part is, I don’t even think about the stuff posted here anymore because I’m am [B]trained[/B] at this point. My “mental state” is always on point. Those in the forum who trade with me can vouch for that. I’m relaxed, focused, confident, even humorous. I never break my own rules. I never doubt. I rarely lose.

[B]Training[/B] yourself means that eventually you don’t even think about the things that were once a challenge for you. You’re simply a well oiled machine doing what you do.

I started off like everyone else in 2003, and I can tell you it is possible to get rid of all the bad traits if you take on the challenge. It will make you a better, stronger person overall.

The videos in the first post make for good weekend learning material. Enjoy.