Trusted offshore brokers

Where can I find a list of current trusted offshore brokers accepting U.S.clients and offering high leverage? Thank you

Best to Google it, because different brokers offer different set-ups, which you would need to examine as being suitable for you. Oanda is one.

You will find a list(and discussion on this topic) here:

Going offshore to escape the CFTC - Broker Discussion / Forex Brokers - Forex Trading Forum

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Check out turnkeyforex, offer leverage upto 500x.

Hello @DanaScott,

You may also want to check out this section of the school which covers the things you need to consider when choosing a broker.

Pipzilla :coffee:

I’m currently trading offshore with a demo account and am looking for a reliable broker to trade with that is either ASIC or FCA regulated with a minimum opening balance of $100 and lower commission costs. Any suggestions?

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ASIC and FCA brokers are expensive to use. You should look for an offshore broker.

Really solid thread this one. Been on here accumulating info for 12 years or so.