Turn risk reward of 1:1 into 1:3

If you want to be in sigificant profit at the end of a given period then you have to cover your losses. If you want miniscule profit or slow depreciation of capital then don’t.

You remind myself 6 years ago.

[QUOTE=“Mr Gone;700236”] You remind myself 6 years año.[/QUOTE]


You take huge risks? You risk everything or you lose? Edges can barely exist? What a load of garbage…

How can traders like Paul Tudor Jones consistently keep beating the market? They keep getting lucky with huge risks?! Lmao.

Let me guess, they must be part of the insiders group and the market is rigged against us smaller guys. What a joke.

God. Here we go again.

You seem rather pessimistic, which of course is normal for someone who has FAILED at trading. Taking high risk is frowned upon, primarily because those who do it, do so because they are trading on Tilt instead of on educated guesses on price action. Does luck have something to do with people who trade using high risk profiting? Of course, but only when a person has a small sample. However, when someone has say 100 trades, without margin calling the account or even coming to 50% drawdown then one is to say that the person knows what he or she is doing.
A person who risk 1% of his account per pip by buying a currency which has dropped 100 pips over the last 5 mins and profiting is luck. A person who risk 1% of his account but does so without ever going in red more then 10 pips over 30 trades isn’t lucky, that is a person who sees something that you don’t.

It isn’t fair to compare buying and selling currencies to wagering on sports. When you wager on sports your leaving everything to the hands of those playing the sport which you have wagered on, even if you are wagering on a team because he has beat the other time the last 10 games.
If you trade forex, depending on the system which you use, then you could wager based on loops which the markets trades within. Yes, the market has a weakness because no matter what tf you are looking at, you see the same exact formation. By simply waiting for the loop to present itself, and having the ability to plan your entry, and your exit and re-entry incase of market whip lashes then you will be able to not only profit, but you would be able to take a wager based on norms and truths instead of speculation.

[QUOTE=“bestpickrus;701141”] You seem rather pessimistic, which of course is normal for someone who has FAILED at trading. Taking high risk is frowned upon, primarily because those who do it, do so because they are trading on Tilt instead of on educated guesses on price action. Does luck have something to do with people who trade using high risk profiting? Of course, but only when a person has a small sample. However, when someone has say 100 trades, without margin calling the account or even coming to 50% drawdown then one is to say that the person knows what he or she is doing. A person who risk 1% of his account per pip by buying a currency which has dropped 100 pips over the last 5 mins and profiting is luck. A person who risk 1% of his account but does so without ever going in red more then 10 pips over 30 trades isn’t lucky, that is a person who sees something that you don’t.[/QUOTE]

Wow, way to weigh in and not have any idea what is going on in the thread, smart one (sarcasm, and I’m going to start highlighting the sarcasm in my post because you obviously didn’t get it in my other response to another trader).

I’m pessimistic? Dude I’m the one telling another poster the market is beatable consistently. The other poster said edges cannot exist and you must take high risk to win NOT ME. I am the one who said you can beat it without high risk and gave an example of someone who CONSISTENTLY does and doesn’t do so with high risk, get it right.

Where in any of my post did I actually advocate using high risk? Maybe next time actually use your brain and carefully read what I have posted, and do so after you understand what is going on in the thread so you wouldn’t post such a waste of a reply.

Oh and I’m a failure? Lol please take the other side of my trade any day. I’ll be trading circles around you, Mr. God Trader (once again, sarcasm).

I actually took the time to read to read the entire thread which is why I geared my quote directly towards you. Your pessimistic for your closed minded view of another persons P.O.V. If you believe you can trade circles around me then why not load a real account to myfxbook, and let’s see what you got. The internet is full of hot air balloons like yourself who at the end of the day only have demo accounts to show for their wasting of time. By the way I don’t have to take the opposite trade of which you do, because my system itself is good enough. Here is my myfxbook profile… Where is yours?
ScalpingRus’s Profile | Myfxbook

And here is where we go to the bathroom and start comparing SIZES

[QUOTE=“bestpickrus;701187”] I actually took the time to read to read the entire thread which is why I geared my quote directly towards you. Your pessimistic for your closed minded view of another persons P.O.V. If you believe you can trade circles around me then why not load a real account to myfxbook, and let’s see what you got. The internet is full of hot air balloons like yourself who at the end of the day only have demo accounts to show for their wasting of time. By the way I don’t have to take the opposite trade of which you do, because my system itself is good enough. Here is my myfxbook profile… Where is yours? ScalpingRus’s Profile | Myfxbook[/QUOTE]

Obviously you didn’t read the whole thread otherwise you would realize I was correcting somebody, not stating what they actually said. A brain would help in deciphering that. Close minded view of another traders point of view? No, that’s not close minded. That’s just how markets actually work. Pessimistic? Once again, not pessimistic just realistic. You want to compare gains? Fine. But sorry, I don’t do little chump change myfxbook accounts. How about you join the big leagues boy. Show me your broker track record with at least a five or six figure account and a years worth of profitable trading. I got mine ready. As soon as you do yours, well if you do, it’s nothing I want to reveal online so shoot me a pm for my email. Let’s see whose the real wanna be hotshot muppet.

It looks like I’ve read this somewhere else… hmmmm…

:wink: You got DEMO-QUEEN. A demo queen always tends to deflect. Congrats but you have now made my ignore list for being nothing more then hot air. Have a wonderful time trying to withdraw from your 6 figure demo account.

If the risk : reward ratio is increased from 1:1 to 1:3 then certainly the potential of making money increases and there are all chances that the traders can be making good gains even with 50% winning probability.

Risk to reward is a very overrated stat, being that what one expects the market to do “your reward” almost never ends up being what the final R:R is. Most trades once they open a trade, and end up in red right away, tend to move their sl or pull it all together thus making the expected R:R a none factor all together.

[QUOTE=“bestpickrus;701197”] :wink: You got DEMO-QUEEN. A demo queen always tends to deflect. Congrats but you have now made my ignore list for being nothing more then hot air. Have a wonderful time trying to withdraw from your 6 figure demo account.[/QUOTE]


Obviously it would tell you whether it’s a demo or live account. And now that I called you out on it you can’t perform? No I think you’re the one deflecting. Whose the wanna be trader now? Lmao when you can trade the big boy leagues then please continue trying to talk trash, but until then have fun being a wee little girl with your meager little account while I make multiple times what’s in there per day. Muppet.

Don’t look now but [B][U]this week[/U][/B] Barclays, Citigroup, JPMorgan and some other international, institutional traders were fined billions by regulators on both sides of the Atlantic [I][U]precisely[/U][/I] for being part of an insiders’ group that rigged the market against us smaller traders: Citigroup, JPMorgan Pay Most in $4.3 Billion FX Rig Cases - Bloomberg Business :slight_smile:

We all know that. But still you can make money out of it.

Of course you can: there are enough people who’ve been making steady, full-time livings from it for many years (or even decades, in some cases) for that not to be in question at all. :wink:

I posted to correct Forexforte’s insulting nonsense, above, only because seeing members openly ridiculing other members (and even stooping to name-calling) over the basis of imputed beliefs which are actually [I]entirely correct and accurate[/I] really [U]isn’t[/U] a great asset to forum conversations or atmosphere, to put it mildly - and the more people who point that out, the better.

[QUOTE=“lexys;701533”] Of course you can: there are enough people who’ve been making steady, full-time livings from it for many years (or even decades, in some cases) for that not to be in question at all. :wink: I posted to correct Forexforte’s insulting nonsense, above, only because seeing members openly ridiculing other members (and even stooping to name-calling) over the basis of imputed beliefs which are actually entirely correct and accurate really isn’t a great asset to forum conversations or atmosphere, to put it mildly - and the more people who point that out, the better.[/QUOTE]

OMG you’re so totally right the big banks manipulating the LIBOR rate (do you even know what that is?) totally kills us little guys! That’s it we’re done I’m out like the other guy said edges can not exist all you can rely on is luck and high risk… Hmph, it pays to actually know what you are talking about before you make a post, buddy boy.

Oh and insulting nonsense? Sorry, if you can’t handle a little heat and debate then GTFO. And please cut the hypocritical nonsense from your postings. First you jump from big banks killing retail trading edges because of insider manipulation to oh you can be profitable tons of people are consistently doing it. Please… lmao.

All the haters can keep hating it’s only makes me feel better enjoying the success they wish you had. You can try and leech it all you want from me, but it only makes me feel more successful. In a world with 95% losers, it’s to be expected. What’s sad is that instead of focusing on your own results, you want to try and bash me even though I can make valid argument points and you cannot.