Understanding Price Action by Chris Capre


Long time no see. Hope you are doing good and busy with your projects.

Waiting for your updates on the market. :slight_smile:

Hello Perry,

Yes, I was on mini retreat for the Tibetan New Year (Losar). Its typical during this time to do special meditation practices and mantras to clear obstacles from the last year and move into the new year fresh.

This just ended last night for me.

Ironically, on Friday morning, my ISP decided to make adjustments to the cable without telling me. So while they are digging 30km of line to increase it to 100mb speeds, they are only able to leave me with 1mb, which is pre 2000 speeds :-ooo

So needless to say, writing/posting has been limited, and trading down to a screeching halt.

But, I’m flying today to the US to spend V-Day with my partner, and also to see family/friends. So tomorrow I’ll be back to normal speeds and posts.

For now, just watching the market on my ipad;
Gold seems to be wanting to base, but is not 100% sure yet
JPY pairs still finding buyers on strong dips
Aussie is weaker as expected and posted about last week
Oil found great support at 95 like I wrote about last week
Euro is not something im interested in yet, except maybe selling at 1.35 or 1.36

I’m packing shortly for my flight, but perhaps I can get a post out at the airport since they have good internet there :-o

Kind Regards,
Chris Capre

Have a safe flight man

Nice to hear that you are participating for meditations. It will relax your mind and of course you can start new things with a fresh mind. Good luck on your journey.

Thanks mate - slowly getting back to things - not as fast as I wanted as I got a little ill from all the travel, but hopefully can get back to normal posting tonight or tomorrow by close of London.

Kind Regards,
Chris Capre

Hi Chris,

This is the best thread regarding PA so far from my newbie spectacles that is. I came across your ideas in another thread and I was impressed and at the same time inspired by your maturity in trying to convey your ideas to fellow traders despite the underlying distaste they might have for Gurus like you. Please continue what you’re doing and yes it’s obvious I now am a follower of this thread.

Hello Chris,

Waiting for your posts. :slight_smile:

Hello ASIA2008,

Welcome to the thread mate. More to come from Chris in near future.

Hello Asia2008,

Thanks for the positive comments. I’m not worried about criticism or distaste people have for 'guru’s as I’ve never claimed to be one.

Just someone who is passionate about trading and what I do.

I myself feel like I’m constantly learning each and every day - that there is something new to learn in these markets everyday.

If people find this information helpful, and are able to profit from it - then I have done my work.

But i’ll be back with my first post today at london close (finally) so stay tuned.

Kind Regards,
Chris Capre

Hello Traders,

Just watching Gold which seems to have gotten monkey hammered today. Hopefully you didn’t try and impress your Girlfriend by buying them some gold :-ooo

The role reversal level at $1651 worked as a good level to get short. Also two touches off the 20ema and dynamic resistance have held the upside, suggesting the market is still looking to sell rallies. I’m suspecting physical buyers are liking these prices, and will scoop up the PM at these levels, but until we see a good base, selling weak rallies seems to be the play short term.

Watch $1625 for potential buyers and price action signals as that is the low for this year.

Kind Regards,
Chris Capre

Really like to try a long around current Gold price levels. But as you suggest I like to wait till till $1625. Thanks for the analysis.

This is really informative. Although it is too long to read all the data you had put over here but i have found lots of valuable insight from your thread. Just keep it up dude. I will certainly follow your thread.

Hello Johnson7,

Thanks for the positive comments.

I;ll definitely be continuing with the articles, price action analysis, and updates. Will post one today as well, but good to have you aboard.

Kind Regards,
Chris Capre

Hello Traders,

Gold had a major downside break today of the key yearly low at $1625.72. Now the next layer of support comes in around $1612, but short term bears have control. Physical buyers will be excited about these prices (including me), but paper price still getting hammered, so short term, Ill consider selling a small position around $1625 which could act as a role reversal level (chart below).

Kind Regards,
Chris Capre

Gold just hit $1612 with almost no significant pullback, meaning selling pressure was constant, no bulls entered the market, and likely heavy stops were tripped once yearly lows at 1625 were taken out.

Now next support comes in at 1598/1600, but unless massive buying comes in, selling on weak rallies is the play

Kind Regards,
Chris Capre

Gold will be moving up rite?

Hello Al,

Short term it looks like it found some buyers at 1600. Its going to need to take out some of the resistance levels to inspire more buyers after a $30+ sell-off
1612 is up next
but this is the strongest intraday bounce ive seen so far

Kind Regards,
Chris Capre

thanks dude,
I shall wait then.

Chris I like the way you respond, when people try to give you negative energy you give back love. I’m looking forward to learning more about your approach.

Hello Enoch,

Thanks mate. I try not to take it personally and just respond to the pure message, while not responding to the personal content so much.

Sometimes the critics have some good information and I want to be open to what they have to say. I’m far from perfect and make mistakes all the time, so hopefully I can be open to both sides while being kind and not tripping over my own feet which definitely happens from time to time.

Kind Regards,
Chris Capre