Understanding Price Action by Chris Capre

Im starting to get used to all this chart annotating, and I have to say, it makes me feel like a pro… :smiley: :cool:

So heres a USDJPY 4 hour on Bank Holiday Monday… I was second guessing whether I should place a trade on a national holiday… Decided not to, but it was still a quality trade which passed all my signals.

Happy pipping everyone!


Hello ApexPredator,

I am still in the learning phase and closely monitor trading setups like inside bars, pin bars,etc. Hope you are also doing the same thing. Once we are getting used these setups it is very easy to identify those at the first glance.

I must say that you are using a nice template with several moving averages.


alan, as a trader you are always learning… I’ve been trading for 2+ years and dedicated many hours to my charts… The moving averages all play important filtering roles which over time I’ve learnt fit very nicely with my trading idology… I dont trade moving average crossovers, I use them in a different way.

As far as my inspiration for the colour scheme? 2nd Skies and FC Barcelona. I love the Blaugrana, and if you look at their away kit 2013 season (current season) its Orange and Yellow, and our home kit is a very beautiful blau/blue/azul and a mesmerizing grana/granate/deep red.

Trade with a colour scheme comfortable to you.
i Som Un Equip !



so Apex is a barca fan. well Grix is a Manchester United fan…nice color scheme. I too use blue and red only my background is white and only two moving averages that I never know when they cross over.

Well I live in London, there are many United fans in London, but personally I support Chelsea by default (always been a Blue).

But yeah I love Barca’s style of play, and I always follow their matches along with Bayern Munich… So yeah, tonight is going to be a great night of football!


Provocative Question:33:: Are Barca really and truly a football team or at heart are they a basketball team??? All that ticky-tacky passing just kills the game for me regardless of the fact that it usually helps them win.l don’t doubt they have talented players but its not my kind of football, it’s soulless and dreary! There is far far more to the beautiful game than just technical ability.

ps In support of my basketball thesis - who else in the entire history of football goes and cuts the goal net down as a souvenir when they win a major game like Barca did at Wembley the other year??? It’s a basketball tradition not a football one! What next, Sardana Dancing in the middle of the pitch…l rest my case!!!

Well Barca are more than a club, they play
Roller Hockey
Amateur Sports

I dont want to bore you with the history of Catalunya, but learn about it, and learn about La Masia, you will have nothing but admiration for FCB.

And another provocative question, I thought this was a forex forum?


For the term barca, lets concentrate on ‘the BARCA’ yeah the one with messi…
the rest are just teams.
the play a good game( in forex we would call it scalping).
Guess arsenal’s would be a long term loosing strategy…
Any way tonight I am locking my pound trade and watching PSG win

l do know about Catalunya…l lived there when speaking Catalan in public was banned. l was on the streets of Barcelona the day Josep Taradellas the exiled President of the Generalitat came back from Paris, l saw and joined all the demonstrations as the banned political parties etc etc re-took to the streets after years and years of being underground, and l was even shot at five times for that pleasure! l remember talking to the guy in the apartment below who had secretly and painstakingly kept an upto date list of every soldier of the previous legitimate government who had had his pension stolen by Franco and how much they were owed!l have so so many happy memories of the place, l love it; l just don’t like the football the “national” Catalan team plays these days! l freely admit they have some supremely talented players, l just think they are killing real football, that’s all! Bringing it back to Forex, Barca are the equivalent of high frequency “algo” trading, and l’m a fan of swing trading that’s all: algo trading makes a profit of course, and that can’t be denied!

ps It is a forex forum and l didn’t post a pic of my favourite team on it!

back to Forex people…Chris won’t believe that we are discussing soccer here.
Anyway the G/U had a good run today…a relatively simple trade and much of the downtrend
continuation…good volumes too.

Haha, I couldnt help but chuckle at that… And since people want to talk about football for a bit…I think Arsenal are doing a good job, I mean… The club doesnt have a single penny of debt whilst competing fairly competitively, so thats gotta be a good thing.
Barca keep 80% possession on an average day, if you look at Chris Capre’s Risk of Ruin tables… Barcelona risk 1%, have a 1:5 risk reward ratio AND 80% accuracy… I dont care what people call it, but I call it genius, and I love watching them play.

Wow, from the Catalans that I know, they all see FCB as a source of pride, however I appreciate that you dont like possessive football, but Im doing my coaching badges myself, and I have to say, FCB are technically perfect, I have learnt so much about the game by just watching them… They dont just play football, they put the maths in their favour…

But this is the last im talking about football for now. I only brang it up because someone asked about my charts…

Nice to see so many new members here though… Hope you guys continue to contribute!


FYI…using the word “soccer” to describe football is considered a “sin” second only to calling a football club a “franchise”! It is an english word admittedly, but it isn’t used by anyone in the game or who knows the game.Sorry, just had to mention that!

Here endeth the chapter on the beautiful game!

Dang - funny stuff

Yes, for those not born in the US, its called Football. But had to laugh at this post

Hello Traders,

So the silver price action squeeze play that I talked about yesterday played out and has been selling since the breakout. many students caught this one and profited well so congrats to them.

for now, downside support levels to watch are $26.50 and $26.12 (2012 lows). Bulls can look for signals here should they want to make a play. Any pullbacks towards $27.87 can be a good place to sell a rally tomorrow to rejoin the trend, but the PM is looking quite vulnerable atm.

Kind Regards,
Chris Capre


Well this thread turned a football one for a while.

Like you I am a huge Chelsea fan. They eliminated Man U from the FA cup. :35: Chelsea always lucky to win the major games and trophies. But they cannot maintain the winning streak. I would like to see a change next season. ( Falcao or Cavani is a better signing option. I want to see Torres & Rafa out. Waste of talent and money ). Today we have a Chelsea match. Hopefully we can win.

I like Messi but not Barca. Yesterday I watched the match and PSG played a good game to earn a draw. Nice to see Beckham once again.

That’s all about Football for now. :57:

Well Again, I cannot stop talking about football. :eek:

Agree with you on Barca Game. They maintain an average of 55 - 65 balling possession. IMO only Mourinho has the key to do something against Barca. Would like to see a grand finale btw Barca Vs Real in UEFA Cup.

Pep is going to mange the Bayern next season. Hopefully he will use Tiky Taka for them. My god with Riberry & Robben they will become the best.


Lol. Hope Chris can’t control it. By the way I was lucky to get the GU trade correctly and covered some nice pips. Rest running and Looks like the pair going to take my SL. Later guys…

Great trade there mate, well done!

Ahh not the S word…soccer. Being English hearing it referred to as soccer is annoying lol, it stops it getting mixed with American football I suppose. In US it’s classed a a girls game isn’t it? :slight_smile: mind I think more men wear alice bands in the Premiership than in the women’s leagues, so that might be right on the money.

Just wondering If there is a thread for Ichimoku like this, or can we put that here as there are some posts relating to it here and there? , cheers, hope you all had a great Easter break.